Pump got replaced

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Carol had her pump replaced yesterday.
She told me last week that a button keeps falling off, but that she always put it back. At the weekend she got annoyed that it fell off again and gave it to me.
I decided I'd ring Animas Monday morning to see what they say. Well after a few questions from the american lady (got transferred to tech. support in USA) told me she'd refer me back to UK so they could make arrangements for a replacement, as the pump wasn't waterproof anymore.

Today, I decided I'd ring the DSN to let her know. I didn't get to speak to Carol's DSN, but her colleague, who immediately knew which button I was talking about. She said it had happend to a few others. One of them was their trial pump and the button came off while "dad" was fiddling with it.

I hope all you Animas pumpers are ok 🙂
Hi Monica,
Animas are very good at replacing things glad you had good service too.
Please tell Carol not to be such a vandal 😛 :D
lol, I'll tell her 😉
I couldn't believe my eyes. The screen was full of scratches too. I hope they won't hold it against her. I had to post the old one back to them.
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