Pump Funding

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all!

I was wondering if anyone could explain to me how pump funding works? I'm 19 years old, and have had diabetes for just under two years now, and I keep on hearing all these great things about insulin pumps, and would love to give one a go. I have an appointment with my DSN this month, so will ask then too, but I just thought it would be good to have at least some background knowledge of how funding works.

I guess what I'm asking is how did you convince your HCPs to give you a pump?!?!

Vicki 🙂
Hi Vicki,

Put simply: NICE guidelines state that if your consultant writes to your PCT requesting funding for an insulin pump, the PCT are obliged by law to provide it.

So, in essence, you need to get your consultant to agree that a pump would be best. How pro pump is your consultant? Do you know anyone under your hospital with a pump? Have they ever discussed one with you?

If you have a look at the NICE guidelines for pumps you can see there are 2 main criteria: a hba1c of 8.5% or above despite best efforts to get it down, or disabling hypos. However, as they are guidelines, they are not set in stone and if your consultant is pro pump they will usually get you funding even if you don't strictly meet either point.

My advice would be to let your DSN know you are interested in pumping, and ask what the consultants are like on agreeing to ask for funding. This way you can gage what kind of angle to go for next.

Good luck! Let us know what happens. I'd be more than happy to help you if you come up against any battles, but hopefully there won't be any 🙂
Thanks Shiv! I'll talk to my DSN when I see her later this month and see what the deal is 🙂

The hypo criteria (which was how I qualified) allows more interpretation. Nasty past experiences, full or partial loss of warning signs, fear of recurrent hypos affecting quality of life... That sort of thing...

For my part one of the contributing factors was that I hardly ever drive on MDI for fear of dipping.
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