Pump for 3 year old?????

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Relationship to Diabetes
Hi everyone

I am new here and just wondered if anyone with a young child on a pump could let me know how they get on with it? My diabetic team are keen for us to perhaps give it a try. Oliver is 3 and was diagnosed 1 year ago. We are struggling to get any sort of control with injections but i am unsure as to the practicalities of a pump for such a young child. He is also a VERY boisterous boy, rough and tumble play all the time with his friends and older brother so I am concerned about it being safe, comfortable etc.

im not really sure how it all works as she only mentioned it yesterday and gave us a carb counting book and a leaflet about pumping for children but the examples are all for children aged 10-14 years as far as I can see.

thanks for reading 🙂

jo x
I have no direct experiences with pumps, hopefully soon, but I would say you should seriously consider it.

The pump is suited so much more to young kids as there insulin needs are usually much less and sensitivity is high.........the pump can eliminate problems associated with those factors........

I have no doubt its hard work, for the parent and child but I believe the rewards in lifestyle outweigh the negatives and it also will give the child and the parent a greater understanding about how to manage the condition, I have been diabetic for 12 years and only really got educated a few years back................just think of the damage done..........

I now pass you onto the experienced parents...............

Seriously, if you have the offer then take it. There are lots of families fighting to get a pump and being turned away. I know this doesnt matter to you personally - but please consider one.

I have seen two year olds on pumps - girls and boys - climbing trees and throwing each other around - the pump is very robust and my son is twelve and does all sorts of boy things and it has never come to any harm or come off (touch wood). There is enough evidence to suggest that the younger a child goes on a pump - the less likely there will be complications - so its giving Oliver a head start. Alex went onto a pump after nine months and its the best thing we have ever done - no more injections and its very discreet.

I know teams that put babies on pumps under the age of six months and they are brilliant for giving such tiny amounts.

Pumps are brilliant if a child is ill, as you can alter the basal to accomodate levels - and give 200% (or more) insulin per hour to keep levels down, and also brilliant for doing sports or exercise as you can also drop the basal - meaning you hopefully avoid hypo's. They are also brilliant for growth spurts and hormones.

I cannot praise them enough. If your husband is in doubt - join the CWD list and ask the same question and you will get so many positive stories that he will want one yesterday.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev. What is the CWD list please?? 😱

x Jo
Thanks Bev. What is the CWD list please?? 😱

x Jo


If you look at the left hand side there is a section called 'email list' or something and just follow what it says to register. There are about four hundred families on there who are full of advice and information and I am so glad I found it. We have a weekend away each year in the Cotswolds where the children all play and for once in their life they feel they are in the majority. It is lovely seeing them all test before eating and not feel shy or embarrassed or anything and they make life-long friends. You do have to be a member though to go on the weekend away. Come in and say hello - everyone is lovely - just like they are on here and dont feel 'bad' about using another site - I use the two of them for different reasons as do a lot of parents on here. Be prepared to get a lot of emails or set up another email account just for CWD or you can join and ask for the 'digest version'.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev. i will take a look 🙂

x jo
Well..... I did ask my question on the CWD list and have had so many positve responses (as you predicted Bev!!!). I showed my other half and he is now coming round to the idea and has agreed to go into the clinic next week for the nurses to show him a pump and talk about what would be involved 🙂

I do think its going to be hard work though! I have started to try with the carb counting and haqve been recording everything for the past 2 days!

I feel more positive today!

x Jo
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