pump envy

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
When Alex started at secondary school last september he told me a little boy in the same year had an hba1c of 14!😱I was really worried about this boy as he never takes any hypo things to school or even to P.E. and is always 'high' when he tests at lunchtime. I think I posted about him on here at the time.

Anyway, tonight this boy asked if he could walk home with Alex, which is odd as he lives in the other direction! Alex said yes if he wanted to etc.. then the boy started quizzing Alex about his pump etc and said 'how can i get one' - i want to start feeling better!
He then went on to say he didnt particularly like Alex as he thought he was a show-off having a pump! LOL. He also said he used to think Alex was very lazy having a pump - but now he understands what its all about - he wants to get one himself!
I feel so pleased for him as maybe he will get better control and turn his life around as he is still so young.:D

p.s. He told Alex that he might like him more after the summer solstace! How funny!🙂Bev
Aww well thats good that he's decided to 'take action' so to speak :D
Bev- thats such a funny post!!!!

Good though, poor kid. I feel so very sorry for him, he probably doesnt even remember what feeling good feels like :(

I hope he gets one, but with support! I think I remember you mentioning he family werent too good at helping him managing his diabetes...

.....but maybe that will all change after the solstice??! 🙂
I wonder if he will ask the druid gods(do they have gods?) if it is ok to like Alex and that he gave him good information on how to feel better...😱
you must be very proud of him !!
maybe the 'summer solstace' stuff is nothing to do with 'wierdy druid stuff'... he might associate that with june summer etc but ummm difficult.... i do recognise the solstaces and exquinoxs because to me they are real marks in time...the sun does come up earlier/later according to it what ever us humans can do.... but i certainly wouldn't wholly use them to dx or control diabetes .... difficult one bev... let alex take the lead...it might be because the lad can identify with alex ....and that he's interested... he seems to have found out for himself some stuff .... id say go with the flow xxx good luck xx

The boy gave Alex a little package today and said 'enjoy'.🙂

When Alex brought it home we opened it and it was a little bag of biscuits and a note say 'To Alex, thank you for all your help. Hope you like them, from Mikey. p.s. they are home made. x

How absolutely cute is that? I want to bring him home and mother him - he is so lovely and i dont think has a lot of support with his diabetes at home.:(🙂Bev
What an interesting story Bev. I think you said Alex wasn't keen about pumping till he went to London.

Perhaps this other lad doesn't know how to carb count, ratios etc. He might not even be on MDI.

My friend's T1 son took a long time to get used to that and has nearly got the hang of it now so numbers don't yo yo so often.

Do you think Alex would want to encourage this lad to try and learn from A's regime? He might accept this from a child rather than an adult.
Hi Tez,
This little boy has a high hba1c and Alex is always trying to give him advice about eating white bread etc..

Alex does worry about this boy as he sees him testing at lunchtime and he is very rarely under 14 and doesnt correct. Alex would love it if the boy went on a pump as he wants to help him - probably a little bit of showing off too!

It breaks my heart that this boy doesnt appear to have much support from home - but i need to be careful not to get too involved as its not my place to. Lets hope this boy is offered a pump and he takes them up on it!🙂Bev
Bev such a lovely story...And so obviously the boy wants to reach out in some way -- connecting through diabetes if through not much else maybe! Sounds positive.

We've had a not exactly similar thing, but it's funny how 'word gets round' and how good practice spreads... There is a boy in the same year as E who was on 2 mixed injections up until the middle of last year -- after he saw E on MDI. Now I hear from our nurse that this same boy wants to move onto the pump. Apparently he always refers to E, etc.

It's encouraging, isn't it, to think that somehow our boys being up front with what they do is helping others?

Anyway, well done Alex.

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