Pump eligibility?

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
im just wondering what makes you eligible for a pump??
The NICE guidance is here. Although dated 2008, it hasn't changed.


This doesn't apply in Scotland

It's a bit of a postcode lottery whether your local diabetes team are keen on pumps, or have the money to supply them.
Hi Eleanor
I was refused one first time, so I asked for the reasons, spent 6 months gathering data to support my application focusing on the reasons given and then got one second time round.
It's a bit of a postcode lottery whether your local diabetes team are keen on pumps, or have the money to supply them.

There are some clinics that are more pro-active in recommending people for pump therapy, but the brilliant thing about NICE TA151 is that it ensures that funds must be made available if you meet the criteria. It is just a matter of finding a clinician who agrees that you do - and INPUT can help a great deal with that.
In Scotland, or more locally Lanarkshire, you wont get one unless you have attended DAFNE or similar.....

Or at least that is what it used to be.....I agree with that...unless there is a problem with hypo awareness..
It says you have just been T1 since jan. That might be a little problem.
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