Pump Decision

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Other Type
Saw my consultant and DSN last week and its full steam ahead with the Medtronic.

I'd narrowed it down to the Animas Vibe or the Medtronic 640g as I wanted one that was waterproof and could eventually link to a CGM. They both had different thoughts on which one would suit me best so I tried both and didn't have strong feelings either way.

This left only 1 course of action - a coin toss!

Of course, it was inevitable that the Medtronic rep is away until 9th Jan 🙄
The coin has done you a big favour "Ref" pleased for you 🙂. I get my 640 in Jan too 😎
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Can't wait to be honest. I felt peckish around 10 last night, BGs were stable so I assumed the food I had around 5ish had been dealt with - wrong :(. Snack was held in a holding pattern meanwhile the bolus was getting to work. I realised this was the case when I felt the hypo coming - 2.2 😱. If at home I often ignore hypos as I know the food will kick in and take me back up but 2.2 is too low to ignore. I woke at 5.30 with a BG of 21 o_O. And to think I used to like rollercoasters.
A pump will make a world of difference to you. My last Christmas without the pump (four years ago) but without eating too much because of the gastroparesis, my BGs hit 30. This year I did hit the mid teens but only for a short amount of time because of how I have the basal set on the pump and I woke up at 7.4 🙂
Glad you have the pump coming. A bit of work to match it to you, and then lots of flexibility and improved control.
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