Pump Day Wednesday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
After three months of glandular fever with type 1 my daughter is at last going on a pump introduction day on Wednesday. We cant wait so lets hope the weather permits. The past three months of illness have been the toughest I have every known, now on 5 injections a day but the glandular fever still doing its best to get us down. Only ever had minor bugs in the past and now we know what chaos illness can cause.

Feeling positive again now so fingers crossed we can get her on the list for the 8 in this area that will be funded next year.

If we are lucky I am sure we will be back for more advice.🙂
Gill everything is crossed for you hun, hope Wednesday goes well x
Hello Gillsb, welcome to the forum.

No advice from me I'm afraid, but I hope that you can knock the glandular fever on the head and get back to some good control again.

Andy 🙂
Hi Gillsb,
I do hope wednesday goes allright and that you get on the list for the pump - it would have been great to have the pump for the illness as it would have made life a lot easier. Let us know how you get on.🙂Bev
Yes good luck, hope to see you back here
Good Luck for wednesday 🙂
Well what a day. Meg is getting her pump at the end of January. Never expected it to be so soon but we are all delighted. After the past few months of illness we are all feeling very positive. Know its hard work but worth it in the end.
Hi Gill that is fantastic news hun, happy xmas to you and your family, bring on January x
Great news dont blame you for being so happy 🙂
Well what a day. Meg is getting her pump at the end of January. Never expected it to be so soon but we are all delighted. After the past few months of illness we are all feeling very positive. Know its hard work but worth it in the end.

Fantastic news Gill! Very pleased for you 🙂
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