Pump Day Tomorrow

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Finally getting my pump tomorrow - it should have been January but I had to delay 6 weeks or so due to needing more surgery.

I'm not quite sure where the cannula is going to go. My old TP scar had to be opened up again so there is a big hard lump across my stomach and I've got several new drain holes. My sides feel like they are being tasered if I go near them with a needle.
Hi Ref
Exciting to hear that you will get your pump tomorrow. What did you decide to go for?

Some put cannulas around on their backside, and I have heard of others who even use arms or legs.
I am sure you will find a somewhere for it. I tend to walk mine across my tum in three horizontal lines, avoiding scars etc, and that way I avoid the same area for ages.
Hi Ref,
Well todays the day, hope you and your pump have a happy diabetic journey together .All the best.

Medtronic 640g - I couldn't decide between the it and the Anmias Vibe. My consultant had no strong views either way so we tossed a coin and that was it. I'm just on saline at the moment so I can have a 'play'. Can't wait for go live next week.

One thing they didn't tell me is I'd need a suitcase to bring everything home - though i'm sure if I take all the bits and pieces out of the over-sized boxes everything would fit in a small bag.🙄

I was told they do not recommend arms or legs in case you have insulin going in over / close to a muscle while exercising it could cause me to hypo. I've been given the option of using angled cannulas so that may help me find some scar free areas to use.
Good stuff 😎. Lots to learn but so adaptable for the individual 🙂
The hard lumps are not necessarily lumps in your skin IYSWIM - so it will be trial and error as to how wide a berth you need to give the scar lines and drain holes. Tummy muscles - where most scar tissue generally lurks - plus any lousy internal adhesions - tend to be a lot further inside you once the skin scar has started to heal. If the skin is mega scarred - if you incise it again - it simply won't actually unite again, so you'd end up getting a tummy tuck at the same time so they can join two bits of healthy skin.

Doesn't even matter if it still feels 'dead' either side of the incision line - as long as the interstitial fluid is still flowing underneath!
Finally getting my pump tomorrow - it should have been January but I had to delay 6 weeks or so due to needing more surgery.

I'm not quite sure where the cannula is going to go. My old TP scar had to be opened up again so there is a big hard lump across my stomach and I've got several new drain holes. My sides feel like they are being tasered if I go near them with a needle.

Good luck with your pump start. Take it steady and don't be surprised if you have a few weeks/months of confusion, frustration and having to relearn everything all over again. Give yourself some time and keep notes of your experiments. Has anyone recommended 'Pumping Insulin' by Walsh/Roberts to you? A very practical and helpful book about tweaking settings on your pump - which you will ned to do repeatedly, certainly in the first year.

Keep us posted with your progress 🙂
I have two concerns about where I can inject / infuse. The first one is easy - if I go anywhere near a region where the nerves are busy repairing themselves then the whole area screams at me. The second one is trickier, trying to spread the injection / infusion sites around but not using an area where the insulin will not get through and possibly pool to give me a surprise later. No way round it other than to try it and see what happens. I think I should wear a warning sign

I have read the pumping insulin book and made copious notes. It all made sense but I have a feeling i'll need to refer back to it several times in the coming months.

Had enough pumping saline for now and want to get onto the real stuff.

I'll keep you posted.
I rarely feel it when I insert the cannula, but it works ok. I think my abdomen is largely nerveless now.🙄
Fingers crossed I'm the same.
In a few weeks you might wonder why did I not get one years ago. I did !
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