Pump Battery Life

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello, this is the first of my stupid questions relating to my new pump. I've had the pump for just 13 days now, but 2 - 3 days ago the battery icon suddenly dropped to just 2 bars then back up to 3 after a while. An hour ago it dropped again to 2 bars but just a few minutes ago it's back up to 3. Is this normal after just a couple of weeks (admittedly intensive) use?

I was told to expect the batteries to last 6 - 8 weeks so I'm now worried that there might be something wrong with my pump.

I've put a call into my pump specialist but she's in training all day so I don't expect to hear back from her for a while.

Also, when changing the battery, are there any special procedures to follow or is it just a straight forward battery swop?


Doesn't it tell you in the Manuel that came with it, or online on the Medtronic website? Certainly that's where the Roche pump instructions reside. (on the Roche website LOL)

If not and no-one answers on here shortly, ring the pump Helpline - it's what they are there for, when stumped!
It does help if you state what pump you have 🙂
It may be that the pump batteries usually last for 6 weeks but could it be that in these early days you are doing a lot more testing and changing of basal rates as you get things to match your needs. I am using a different pump so no specific advice but I did go through a set of batteries more quickly at the start.
I hie that you get it sorted
Hi there, yes Robin you're right, it's an Animas Vibe. Sorry I forgot to mention that! I hadn't heard back from the pump lady so I rang the tech helpline and they too thought it odd that a new battery should drain so quickly but they didn't really have an answer.
My handbook doesn't mention changing the battery, and the tech helpline told me there are no special procedures so I just swapped the battery. I then noticed the pump said I had 0u insulin left. I disconnected the pump, rewound and primed and the screen now shows how many insulin units are left. I just wish the trainer or helpline had told me to do this when changing the battery but at least I know now.
If it's the battery that came with the pump then I would suspect it's a duff one. I had this with my new Vibe last year. If you are not using the CGM then the battery should last a couple of months at least, with the CGM the norm is about 5 weeks.
My handbook doesn't mention changing the battery, and the tech helpline told me there are no special procedures so I just swapped the battery. I then noticed the pump said I had 0u insulin left. I disconnected the pump, rewound and primed and the screen now shows how many insulin units are left. I just wish the trainer or helpline had told me to do this when changing the battery but at least I know now.
Oh yes it does look on page 12 🙂
Oh yes it does look on page 12 🙂

I flicked through that book forwards and backwards and couldn't find it! 😳
Anyway, when speaking to the helpline they directed me to the Alarm history and there were battery alarm records from earlier in the year, long before I got the pump. I assumed my pump was new but apparently not. If it was returned because of a battery problem I'll soon find out!😱 Thanks for all your replies
Well if they are returned and they replace then, surely if they refurb them, they'd wipe the memory?

I'd ask your clinic about that if I were you, I mean they are only supposed to last for a defined period anyway, and then get replaced. If it was a couple of years old already when you got it ..... a month or two wouldn't matter I suppose, but those Vibes have been out a couple of years now I think?
Yes, I'll speak to the pump specialist tomorrow, just to find out the pump's history.
Curiously , I went through TWO pumps in the first 5months of pumping. Both started draining battery like crazy after I took a bath with the pump. I know that they are supposed to be waterproof, and I was really anal about ensuring that the battery compartment was closed tight, etc, but with the third pump, I simply ttake it off and disconnect it for a bath. Bummer, since waterproofing was one of the reasons i chose Vibe, but I can live with it.

8months on, no problem (touch wood)
Curiously , I went through TWO pumps in the first 5months of pumping. Both started draining battery like crazy after I took a bath with the pump. I know that they are supposed to be waterproof, and I was really anal about ensuring that the battery compartment was closed tight, etc, but with the third pump, I simply ttake it off and disconnect it for a bath. Bummer, since waterproofing was one of the reasons i chose Vibe, but I can live with it.

8months on, no problem (touch wood)

That's interesting. Thanks for telling me that because up to now I had been disconnecting my pump before showering. This morning I decided that I would keep it attached because after all it's waterproof. I saw your post just before heading to the shower so your timing was perfect. I'll just carry on disconnecting the pump. Better safe than sorry!
I flicked through that book forwards and backwards and couldn't find it! 😳
Anyway, when speaking to the helpline they directed me to the Alarm history and there were battery alarm records from earlier in the year, long before I got the pump. I assumed my pump was new but apparently not. If it was returned because of a battery problem I'll soon find out!😱 Thanks for all your replies
The history of the pump that you can see isn't because it's a 2nd hand pump. It's due to the test procedures when manufactured. Your CCG has paid for a brand new pump not a 2nd hand one.
Curiously , I went through TWO pumps in the first 5months of pumping. Both started draining battery like crazy after I took a bath with the pump. I know that they are supposed to be waterproof, and I was really anal about ensuring that the battery compartment was closed tight, etc, but with the third pump, I simply ttake it off and disconnect it for a bath. Bummer, since waterproofing was one of the reasons i chose Vibe, but I can live with it.

8months on, no problem (touch wood)
Considering that people have worn the pump swimming the English channel then one must assume the pump is waterproof 😉 Mines been dropped in the horses water trough before now without a problem.
Hello, this is the first of my stupid questions relating to my new pump. I've had the pump for just 13 days now, but 2 - 3 days ago the battery icon suddenly dropped to just 2 bars then back up to 3 after a while. An hour ago it dropped again to 2 bars but just a few minutes ago it's back up to 3. Is this normal after just a couple of weeks (admittedly intensive) use?

I was told to expect the batteries to last 6 - 8 weeks so I'm now worried that there might be something wrong with my pump.

I've put a call into my pump specialist but she's in training all day so I don't expect to hear back from her for a while.

Also, when changing the battery, are there any special procedures to follow or is it just a straight forward battery swop?


Good luck Lorraine. 🙂
Thanks Sue - didn't know the pump would remember stuff like that - but then I haven't got one LOL

Do all the Vibes have the same in their memories then?
Thanks Sue - didn't know the pump would remember stuff like that - but then I haven't got one LOL

Do all the Vibes have the same in their memories then?
Well all the pumps I have had always bits and bobs in the alarm history so assumed all the same. You know when the pump has been manufactured because it's on the pump it's self.
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