Pump and general anaesthetic

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Have any of you kept your pump running during an operation under general anaesthetic?

My fractured foot isn't mending very well and needs metal plates and bone graft. I've always had a sliding scale during operations but it seems a bit Medieval compared to a pump, I know a sliding scale is intravenous and the normal thing but I just wanted to find out if any of you have been offered or asked for the chance to keep your pump running. I realise it will be up to the anaesthetist and what they are happy with but at the same time it seems a backwards move to swap my pump and cgm for a sliding scale.
I agree it would be a backwards move. My daughter was allowed to keep on her pump under general anaesthetic in July this year, her procedure lasted just over an hour and she was nice and steady BG wise with this. I checked with her D team prior to the op but they are fairly integral within the paediatric dept at the hospital. Not sure how it works in adults. Fingers crossed you can 🙂
Hi Flower, I've read discussions on another list about adults keeping pumps on during ops with GA, so the short answer is "yes". Talk to your anaesthetist and D team, I guess the anaesthetist would need to know how it works - how to change dose or suspend if necessary? Hope it works out for you, and especially your poor foot :(
Do you know how you react to GA ?

I usually throw up for about a week afterwards, which means I have to have those ghastly jabs in my thigh and stay on a drip - so it has a bearing on what me or the team would want to do.

However if it's a very short op and they don't have to give that injection that dries up your secretions, I'm 100% fine and would just want to leave it in situ.
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