Pump and dresses!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hiya - I've only had my pump a month and have mainly worn it with jeans etc. However, we have friends coming to stay on Friday and we're planning to go out for a meal. As a shock, I'm planning to wear a dress for a change. Where do you put your pump when wearing a dress?!! 🙄

I can't put it in my bra as I look like I have 3 boobs and it doesn't feel very secure clipped to my knickers!

Any ideas are much appreciated!

Thanks xx
Several things you can do...

You can from your pump company a strap that you can put around your waist or thigh or a pouch that clipes to the side of your bra so it fits under neath the armpit! Probably a bit late for this outing to order..

But the one that fits the waist is basically waistband elestic with velcro sewen on to each end!

For the thigh you could use tubie grip double layer, pop the pump betwen the two to hold..

Or you could make your own bra pouch, but using a childs (smal sock) sew some ribbon on to the sock, pop your pump in the sock, you might want to fit a little hole in the bottom to thread the tubing through.. the tie to your side bra strap..

Or perhaps you could use a childs sock to sew inside the dress to make a little pouch for it..

A lot though would depend on if you have a remote as with the Combo or how easy you need to access the pump to bolus,,

Hopefully some of the other girls might give some more ideas about dresses, as I know I am female but the only dress I own is my weddidng dress😱
Hi Suzie,

I've made my own wasitbelt for my pump just using some elastic and a clip from the ol'bumbag and my pump is in a mobile phone leather case with a clip as I found the medtronic cases too bulky! I wear this all the time as alot easier than keeping in my pocket. For my wedding dress I put my pump in middle of my bra in that space and with different other dresses I either have it on my waistbelt or I put a sash round my waist and clip it in between the bow at the back so it doesn't stick out.
I have a Cozmo pump but order little soft pouches from AccuChek, which have a hook at one end. This hooks over the middle of you bra and your pump hangs in the little bag below your boobs, and as long as your dress is not tight, it doesn't show at all. They are about ?14 and come in black and white. At the bottom are poppers and you can access your pump to do a bolus or whatever, either by puling it up from the neck... or by going to the loo! I do both.
I always wear a sports bra over my normal bra and pop my pump in there so it fits in between the boobs. Works a treat, you can never tell it's there whether I'm wearing a dress or a normal top (and that's saying something as the Unicornz two really aren't very big 😛 )
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