Public transport, diabetes and swine flu

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
The government is giving out warnings for at risk groups and public transport. At the moment pregnant ladies are being advised to avoid public transport when the epidemic reaches its peak.

Since we are in an at risk group with an underlying medical problem, I wonderd how we would fare? I know we haven't been advised not to use public trnasport yet, but it's a possibility.
In theory its a great idea. But if you think about it - all of us daily are in contact with many people, exchanging money is a source of passing on germs, or even using the chip and pin in a shop! Pushing a shopping trolley opens us up to lots of germs - people sneeze and cover their mouth/nose with their hands - then replace them onto the handle of the trolley - that we then push....I very much doubt they can contain swine flu as there are so many links between us all.
I heard they were talking of closing schools in the autumn -but all that would happen is that all the bored children would congregate and create a breeding ground for the flu! I am just not sure it can be done, other than if we were all in quarantine! Then the country would grind to a halt!😱🙂Bev
Well I don't really have a choice, work is too far to walk and I don't drive so I have to get the bus. And anyway I tend to agree with Bev, we cannot live in a bubble, however hard we try we will inevitably be exposed to some germs, but the human body is amazingly good in dealing with them. I usually wash my hands after being on public transport anyway, it is quite minging, I have seen people do all kinds of disgusting things and then hold the handrail.
Well I don't really have a choice, work is too far to walk and I don't drive so I have to get the bus.
Ditto. I also work in a school. A primary school. :D

If anyone's going to get swine flu, I will. :(
Well, I work at a University and already 2 people in my office have been signed off for a week with it. Chances are I'll be next!!
Ditto. I also work in a school. A primary school. :D

If anyone's going to get swine flu, I will. :(

Yep, all my housemates work in primary schools so I think it's probably inevitable that it'll head my way eventually....

I think there are precautions we can all take, regular handwashing etc but unless we choose to isolate ourselves there's always going to be a large risk of getting it, I can wash my hands as often as I like but if the person next to me on the tube chooses to sneeze without using a tissue there's very little I can do!

All that said I'm certainly not complacent about it in anyway, getting it really does worry me (as getting any flu would) and I'll do all I can to avoid!
Hi All...

I have just returned from Asda..with the weeks shopping...and the thought crossed my mind that I wonder how many people had hold of the trolly before me...and had they washed their hands??.....

A Professor on the telly the other day stated that one key element in preventing the spread of swine to repeatedly wash your the bacteria/germ live for several more hours on things like door knobs etc, than first thought.

Having said that on and Nathan nipped down to a local store..for a drink and a light lunch....1 person sneezed twice into the newspaper, that is there for people to read...the other sneezed into a tissue..and instead of putting it in his pocket...threw it on to his empty plate......😱

well i'm pregnant and a diabetic so i'm really stuffed. I have to say i've been worrying bout it for the past few weeks just praying i don't get it. thankfuly no one around me has had it yet!
I hope no one gets it. At least we here al know what to do. WHen I am traveling I keep a spare pack or two of hankies in my pocket and hand them to people wwho look on the verge of sneezing...
I use public transport sometimes to get to work, i think it's ineviatble to to come in contact with germs and it isn't great to live in a sterile environments. I wash my hands alot at work and everytime after I sneeze. I know my nose would end up getting really sore though, because normally I prefer to use a hankie, but you can't throw them away.
Hi all

I've well and truly had swine flu this week :( Luckily (?) it has been relatively mild but i've been in bed for the best part of 3 days now. I have no idea where i caught it from but it's everywhere now that i think it's going to be hard for anyone to avoid it :(

Am concerned about R now as her levels have been hovering around the 10 mark all day - with corrections, i guess time will tell....
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