Public health cuts will lead to more sick people, report warns


Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
More people will become ill as a direct result of the government cutting spending on public health, which will put the NHS under further strain, a parliamentary report on Wednesday warns.

Peers on a House of Lords select committee urged citizens to do more to demonstrate personal responsibility – their “common duty” – to live healthily in order to help preserve the NHS as a tax-funded system that is free at the point of use.

They blame “the short-sightedness of successive governments” for leaving the NHS underfunded, understaffed and woefully unprepared for the huge pressures now bearing down on it.

"Hunt rejected the committee’s claims that it has done too little. “This government has a strong track record on public health." - that would make me laugh it wasn't so serious an issue, what bl**dy world does he live in? One of narrow-minded privilege and personal ambition, I strongly suspect :( :mad:
The ideal solution for the elderly is of course to attend the most expensive Day Centre in the world, the House of Lords. £300 @ day plus expenses, nice food, little snooze and a taxi home. I'd be amazed if there are no nurses or medics on duty too. Hear hear! :D
I'd be amazed if there are no nurses or medics on duty too. Hear hear! :D

Not to worry Amigo if there aren't - there are loads of em and a fully equipped NHS hospital just across the bridge!
If Hunt reckons we've got a world leading childhood obesity plan, the rest of the world must be really shite. Or the rest of the world is just America.