Psychology Study, Living with Diabetes

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
For all ages, in all demographics - If you have a few minutes, please do the Psychology Study, Living with Diabetes.


Answer hint.....


p.s. Please share; research into the understanding of the psychological impact of diabetes is important!
All done.
Me too.
I had the distinct impression that the author of the survey only wanted to show what they wanted the survey to show IE, their perceived views which don't correspond with my views so a pointless survey imho.
Took me longer to find the errors after each page!!!
I just completed it. It really made me think that I should do more to control my Diabetes.
I have never indulged in such an introspective, negative emotion feeding load of old toffee in all if my life. It as if the author wants you to be depressed. Jeez I am going through a bad time right now and am fighting tooth and nail to keep upbeat. That pile of old codswallop had me sticking my head in the oven. Next time I might switch on the gas..........hang on a minute??????? Damn it's a microwave 😛
negative emotion feeding load of old toffee
Ummm... I actually felt good, it appears that accepting my D improves my outlook (or was it that I'm just a happy go-lucky guy anyway)
I have always accepted my diabetes. There is no option but accept it for what it is. I found the inference of the survey however 'Does your diabetes depress you?' 'No my diabetes does not depress me' 'Oh why not? We would really quite like it to. Come on now it must do?'
Come on now it must do?
Closed the window now, but on the "thank you" page wasn't there a link to Samaritans? I guess they have a preconception that diabetics have to be depressed..... I have found that the majority of regular members of this board are not!!!!
Closed the window now, but on the "thank you" page wasn't there a link to Samaritans? I guess they have a preconception that diabetics have to be depressed..... I have found that the majority of regular members of this board are not!!!!

Sorry it is difficult to read your response. Half way through the survey I developed a strong uncontrollable urge to start chain smoking and swigging single malt straight out of the bottle. The smoke filled drunken haze is playing murder on my poor old eyes 😉
I had the distinct impression that the author of the survey only wanted to show what they wanted the survey to show IE, their perceived views which don't correspond with my views so a pointless survey imho.
Totally agree Sue. It was not for T1s. If you read ----- like that you would feel c--- ! I tried to tell them university types what I thought of the survey & it was a phone number. I could run rings around them 🙄 Made me laugh D liberty ( I am off to the off-door):D
I gave up after a couple of pages. Firstly I am not even sure of the year I was diagnosed, let alone the exact date. Had to invent a date to get past that page. Then I didn't tick enough boxes to proceed, as I refused to give an opinion on statements that I totally disagreed with. Full of leading questions, and I refuse to be pushed into agreeing in any way with such negative statements. What a rubbish survey!
LOL - must admit I have been more than a bit depressed once, over a period of a few years, when I didn't understand what was happening to me - but my diabetes wasn't to blame actually, its nose-dive was purely it's reaction to the other stuff that was happening - and I hadn't a clue that this is D's normal reaction to such things - or what to do to try and fix the glitches to the D.

Once I discovered it was normal I felt much more able to cope with searching for the remedies - and I was largely successful doing that - but finally decided to get rid of the other baggage - which was scary! - but solved it.

It's bollards too to imagine that the depression would not have arisen had I not been diabetic - they would!! I wasn't even that upset after diagnosis - yes I'd have a little cry occasionally - it's called Grief not Depression - but my logical head would call a halt to the weeping after a short while since there really is absolutely no point whatsoever in crying over spilt milk, is there? So that bit of my brain would say - that's enough for now - you still need to do - whatever - now! (wash up, cook the dinner, watch 'Not the Nine O'clock News', finish that book, finish the sleeve of your knitting, read 'She' (the mag not the book by Ryder Haggard - read that. years previously LOL) .......)
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