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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
just driven to see a good friend who is suffering very badly from psoriasis on her hands and feet....i know this is nothing to do with Diabetes but we have such a wealth of knowledge on this forum does anyone have any got so acute that she couldnt walk for a while...and her hands are red raw
any help appriciated...
just driven to see a good friend who is suffering very badly from psoriasis on her hands and feet....i know this is nothing to do with Diabetes but we have such a wealth of knowledge on this forum does anyone have any got so acute that she couldnt walk for a while...and her hands are red raw
any help appriciated...

A friend of mine has had psoriasis for many years, at it's worst she had it all over her body including her face. It is a very depressing condition and my friend suffered depression and low self esteem because of it.

Stress usually makes it worse too so adds to the problem if you are worried about how other people see you.

Luckilly a few years ago the doctors hit on a treatment that made a massive improvement to my friends condition and her skin is a lot better than it used to be. This in turn made my friend more confident about going out and she no longer suffers from depression and is the happiest she's been in years.

It's just a case of finding out what treatment works for the individual, unfortunately it can take a long time but there is always hope.

My friend is on a combination of creams and other medication unfortunatelly I don't know the names of the treatments otherwise I would post the names for reference.

Hope your friend finds a treatment that works for her.
just driven to see a good friend who is suffering very badly from psoriasis on her hands and feet....i know this is nothing to do with Diabetes but we have such a wealth of knowledge on this forum does anyone have any got so acute that she couldnt walk for a while...and her hands are red raw
any help appriciated...

If at all possible, your friend should keep her hands as soft as possible and avoid getting them wet as far as possible. Eczema isn't the same thing, but from my long experience of that I learned the best way to soften the skin was olive oil and cling film, covered with stockinette bandages. I did this every night while the eczema was bad by soaking a sterile dressing in the oil and wrapping the bad bits, then covering that with cling film and the bandage to keep it all in place. If she can get hold of some thin cotton gloves, she should wear them under rubber ones while doing washing up, along with a good coating of her cream/ointment. No showers, they're too abrasive and no hot baths, they make the itching worse. Some of us on here with dry skin troubles have been prescribed Diprobase which is a high strength moisturiser, perhaps that would help your friend. One last thing, if your friend is using dresssings sugest to her that she put her creams/ointments on the dressing and not her skin, it soaks in more slowly, there's no rubbing to exacerbate the itching and the dressing doesn't stick so much.

I hope some of this helps, I know how miserable it can be to be in that state.
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Hiya, a friend of mine has suffered from it for many years and gets light thearpy (sorry I dont know how often) from her local hospital. She is also on methotrexate (sp?) a drug that is used to treat cancer and auto-immune diseases.
One of my friends has it too. Along with more conventional treatments she also practices relaxation and meditation techniques and has been told aquapuncture MIGHT help.
My son has suffered from psoriasis for many years, last year he had a course of light treatment but it returned when the treatment stopped. He's now developed skin cancer not supposedly related to the light treatment so he is on a form of chemo which also aleviates the symptoms of psoriasis but it makes him very sick which means more medication to try to stop that
My son has suffered from psoriasis for many years, last year he had a course of light treatment but it returned when the treatment stopped. He's now developed skin cancer not supposedly related to the light treatment so he is on a form of chemo which also aleviates the symptoms of psoriasis but it makes him very sick which means more medication to try to stop that

so sorry to hear about your son mum has skin cancer but fortunatley they caught her very early xx big hug xx
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