psicologicol help for children

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grahams mum

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
hi today me and my son went to a new group in the hastings and rother area to help children with diabetes and their family on the psicological side of this ilness will be on trial for 6 months and if succesfull the PCT will give the funds to be a permanent service any other member has a service like this?What doyou think?I am talking only about menthal health for children and young adult [under 16] any good or bad stories ? thanks
Any support given to children teenagers and young adults with diabetes has got to be worth it. I hope the group works out.

If we as adults feel unsupported at times how do the children feel? We have the words and language to describe how we feel, but the younger a child is, the less able they are to talk about how they feel.

Good luck, I hope the froup works out and spreads to other health care trusts so that more youngsters can benefit.
I would have loved some support as a teenager when I started to struggle with my weight and blood sugars. I was putting on weight and my HBA1C must have given away the false blood sugar results in my diary, but nobody said anything or offered any support. Instead they dumped me from their clinic, just because my parents were too busy to drive me to all my appointments and we missed a few. They did not bother to arrange a transfer to adult care.

I think it should not be limited to under 16s - I think someone should make sure the transition to adult care is handled properly as well. My problems started bigtime when I was dumped by the kids clinic. I arranged to go to adult care myself but the people were so cold and the place was so deeply depressing that I stopped going altogether for years. At 16 you really don't know what you are doing, and you have the stress of your first proper exams and leaving school. You are not old enough to manage your own diabetes properly as you are expected to at an adult clinic, especially since I think at that age you are too young for DAFNE. I think support services like this are great and I know you don't have unlimited resources, but I think the kids should be settled into adult care before valuable support like this ends.
Hi Grahams Mum

I nearly went to that meeting myself. I am in Bexhill and I meet up with the Eastbourne people all the time.

We are under a hospital in London for a pump as the local one doesn't do them yet and that is all a bit iffy as well. We only moved down here this time last year and the service is a bit naff compared to what it should be to tell you the truth.

If you want to meet up for a coffee some time and compare notes and just chat that would be lovely and fine by me. It is always nice to meeting fellow mums who speak the same language. Let me know and I'll give you my email address.

As far as a psychologist goes, it is essential. It is part of a team. All teams, especially paediatric should have a DSN to 80 children, (so we need another one down here), a dietician and a psychologist. There should be annual reviews without fail and this should include a psychologist visit as well. We see one in London and it is brilliant. My daughter doesn't seem to have any problems and then we see her and I stay in the room as well and am brought into the conversations at points but the psycholigist is very clever and daughter has said things I have never heard before...........

I didn't know it was a 6 month trial. I was told that it was going to be part of the care along with a dietician of which there isn't one either, with a view to starting pumping in this area in the spring. This has been at decision time with the PCT.

Anyway let me know if you want to chat sometime.

Take care🙂
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