proud mum alert - sorry

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Proud mum alert!😱

Today i had told Alex i may go swimming. Anyway, just as i had finished getting changed after the swim i got a phonecall from the school.( i always panic and worse case scenarios go through my head!)

The first aider asked if it was ok for me to talk to Alex, of course it was so she put him on (i am worrying at this stage) - and he explained he had done P.E. and played football and his canula must have got knocked so he couldnt re-attach his pump back on. So he decided to do a set change all by himself as he knew i would be swimming and thought my phone would be in the locker!:D

He has never shown interest in doing a set change before (although i do know that children his age (11) do their own but i didnt want to push it).

I told him well done and feel very proud of him.🙂

The only down side is that he has to do the dreaded maths exam when he gets in (the school have begrugingly allowed him to re-take it as his level was 20mmols last time and he only got 68%).

I think i will take him out to eat tonight!🙂Bev
You have every right to be very proud of your son Bev - especially after the sleepover situation. He deserves a bit of spoiling methinks....
Wow, what a great kid! Well done to him - yep he deserves a treat!!!
wow WELL DONE ALEX!! arent kids amazing xx have fun tonight bev🙂
Well done to Alex for showing the initiative to do what was needed. I hope the maths test goes better this time. I agree that a treat does seem in order.
Aww well done Alex what a star, he deserves a treat me thinks, have a good night with him later Bev x
I reckon your Alex is a real star. Congratulations to him, and to you for being a star mum.
Congratualtions to Alex, you mush be so pleased x
Wow Alex!!!!!!! Good lad!!!!!! You are learning to be independant which is so important!

Bev - you have every reason to be proud! What a star he is!

Fantastic. Well done Alex!!! :D:D:D
Well done Alex, there are lots of grown ups who have problems doing all the things you do.

Bev you have every right to be proud of Alex, he is brilliant.
What a star! I have nothing but admiration for the way your family, and in particular Alex, have turned things around in the past 12 months - you have been invaluable to this site and no doubt an inspiration to many.:D
Wow that is fabulous. Big huge well done to Alex.

For those that don't know, a set change is not like an insulin injection. A set change is looking at a huge needle and using some sort of contraption to get this huge needle in you. You then have to remove the contraption, all whilst the needle is in you, then you have to remove the needle whilst take care not to pull the canula out. The removals aren't straight pulling, they are at specific angles or ways. This is nothing mega easy about this and children of 15 sometimes refuse to do a set change.

For Alex to do this, this is nothing short of amazing, the first few times takes some real guts.

Alex, I am sooooo proud of you. 🙂
Wow that is fabulous. Big huge well done to Alex.

For those that don't know, a set change is not like an insulin injection. A set change is looking at a huge needle and using some sort of contraption to get this huge needle in you. You then have to remove the contraption, all whilst the needle is in you, then you have to remove the needle whilst take care not to pull the canula out. The removals aren't straight pulling, they are at specific angles or ways. This is nothing mega easy about this and children of 15 sometimes refuse to do a set change.

For Alex to do this, this is nothing short of amazing, the first few times takes some real guts.

Alex, I am sooooo proud of you. 🙂

Well done to Alex Bev. I hate needles so he's braver than me.
Wow that is fabulous. Big huge well done to Alex.

For those that don't know, a set change is not like an insulin injection. A set change is looking at a huge needle and using some sort of contraption to get this huge needle in you. You then have to remove the contraption, all whilst the needle is in you, then you have to remove the needle whilst take care not to pull the canula out. The removals aren't straight pulling, they are at specific angles or ways. This is nothing mega easy about this and children of 15 sometimes refuse to do a set change.

For Alex to do this, this is nothing short of amazing, the first few times takes some real guts.

Alex, I am sooooo proud of you. 🙂

I hadn't realised how much was involved, so here's an extra well done Alex. You are brilliant.
If I'm honest, I have no idea what a set change is, or what it entails, but I am BEAMING with pride for your Alex, I'm so glad you posted to tell us about it, what a great lad he is.

EDIT - now I've read what it actually involves, I'm well impressed. That's bloomin' fantastic!

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