PROUD contact details

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Much missed Moderator
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've recently tried to find PROUD (PROfessionals United by Diabetes), but website no longer exists (, and phone number and email for Mary MacKinnon are not answered. Does anyone know the current situation - does PROUD still exist, and if so, what are the current contact details? Thanks.
thats all I could find too. One thought could you contact Novo Nordisk to see if they still fund it?
Thanks. I've sent emails and left phone messages for Mary MacKinnon, but so far, no response. Rcn is still listing the organisation, but PROUD website has disappeared. Apparently, PROUD had stand at DUK annual meeting 2 years ago, but that's a while back, so not sure if it still operates. If Novo Nordisk have pulled funding, that's a shame - even if they can't add more, the existing stories would be a useful resource.
Just heard from Mary MacKinnon - "Unfortunately we have been having some problems with our website and are currently trying to get it back on line." So, PROUD still exists, despite current absence of website.
glad you got a reply copepod, sounds an interesting group, would be interested to have a look when the website is back up and running
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