Protein In Urine? Worried, What Does It Mean?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all,

Well, I have had all my latest blood results back...My Hba1c has only dropped to 8.4 from 8.7!...I have another appointment with my DSN tommorow to discuss the next step forward.

My bloods also showed rise in my 'Cretins?' (Not sure I have spelt that right?) I received a phone call from my Dr who asked me to provide a Urine sample.
I did, and she phoned me today to ask for 'another' morning sample as there was protein found in my Urine?...She told me not to worry too much but, that I need to get my blood sugars down to avoid problems with my Kidneys.

I already have an impaired Liver, my Enzymes are always raised...Now, it's my Kidneys?

I am so worried, I am on 14'units of Levimer once a day, that might change tommorow?...I just do not understand what this all means.

To top all this, I have been unwell the past two days with severe pain from my Gall bladder, I know it is inflammed again, I am just eating little as I know eating will aggrevate the G'Bladder, I just do not wnat to go into hospital again!! :( I am feeling so, so low again....This is all too much, I feel like I am falling apart!....Any advice please?

Love to all, Ellowyne x
Im sorry you're having such a rough time, I hope everything get sorted out soon. I'm sorry I can't give any advice as to the urine just offer my support x
Hi Ellowynne - it may be a small fall in HbA1c, but it's going in the right direction! I think you mean 'Creatinine'. Whilst it is not good that they have found protein, it is something that can now be acted on. Try not to worry too much before you have heard what the doctor has to say. He may well decide to increase your levemir to help bring your levels down a bit more - remember that you are still in the early stages of insulin therapy so there is a period of 'tweaking' until the best dose is found. I hope that the imflammation reduces soon and stops troubling you.
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Thank you both...I am trying not to worry but, well, I just can't seem to stop myself...I don't even understnad what having protein in my Urine means?...Are my Kidneys not working properly? :confused:

I guess I will have to sit tight until tommorow and see what my DSN has to say....Thank you again, I am always so grateful of the support here.

Love to all, Ellowyne x
Thank you both...I am trying not to worry but, well, I just can't seem to stop myself...I don't even understnad what having protein in my Urine means?...Are my Kidneys not working properly? :confused:

I guess I will have to sit tight until tommorow and see what my DSN has to say....Thank you again, I am always so grateful of the support here.

Love to all, Ellowyne x

As I understand it, creatinine is a type of protein normally produced by your body and your kidneys remove it from the blood. They use a combination of blood and urine tests to try and determine the rate at which the creatinine is being removed from the blood by your kidneys. What is your blood pressure like? Are you on any pills for that? Blood pressure is a very important factor in looking after your kidneys.
As Northe' says a drop is a drop, my glass is half full (sometimes!)
I was told about this recently, about the test, and if they test your early morning sample once a year and find traces they can act quickly enough to stop or try to any major issues! Here's hoping. I have been recalled to do it again, but I think (and hope) it's more crossed wires at my GP's!

Hope it all works out.

Yes, I also have high blood pressure! I am on a small dose of Indapamide tablets for this. I will have my blood pressure checked again tommorow whislt at Diabetic clinic...I know my blood pressure was up on my last visit.

I went through a bad stage a couple of months ago where as I became very pre occupied with the thought of dying. I kind of got control over it, but now, I feel such an intense sense of fear again....I feel so frightened, I'm sorry, I just don't feel able to cope with this as well as everything else. I have very difficult family problems, my son have complex Mental health problems, I need to be here for him....Sorry, can't do this right now, thank you for all your help....I am just panicking I guess....Sorry.
Ellowyne - The most common source of protein in urine is contamination from skin. So, your next sample should be mid stream urine - pass some urine into toilet, then collect some in sample pot, then continue into toilet. That will give a more realistic idea of whether or not the protein is actually in your urine. If it is in your urine, the most common reason is a simple urinary tract infection, which can be treated by antibiotics.
Hope you get the right answer and advice from your medical team soon.
Protein in your urine could also mean you have a urinary tract infection/cystitis..
If your doctor is reviewing your meds it may be worth discussing Zestril (lisinopril). Zestril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor which blocks the production of a hormone (chemical signal carried in the blood) called angiotensin II. It is thought that this may protect the smallest arteries from damage and this may help to prevent diabetic complications of the eye and kidneys. Indapamide is a diuretic and from my knowledge (limited and not medically qualified) not the ideal drug for BP where there are indications of kidney damage.
I've had protein in my urine before, when i was first diagnosed and then for a while afterwards. My doctor (the aforementioned Dr Twit...or substitute i for a...) told me this brilliant news "there's protein in your urine, i'm going to put you on Ramipril" and then...then...he took a blood pressure reading and wondered why it was high??!?!? Possibly beacuse i thought i had kidney failure Doc?
My kidneys haven't given up yet, and i hope that they don't for a while. I went back to work in tears and had to go home... A couple of weeks later i went to the practice nurse (the lovely nurse Angela) who told me that yea, there was protein in my pee, but not much. It might have been a hang over from the urinary tract infection i thought i had when i was first diagnosed. (which i'm not convinced ever went away after i was put on a drip so i think it was dihydration, i'm not a doctor but UTIs don't usually spontaneously clear up after treatment with rehydration fluids and insulin...)
She told me that the Ramipril (which is another ACE inhibtor like the Lisinopril that Falcon mentioned) was a preventative and was a low dose and not to worry.
Falcon and Squidge have made good points, it could just be a symptom of your Gall Bladder infection, you may get prescribed Ramipril, Lisinopril or something else ending with -pril.
Indapamide is a thiazide diuretic, these stop sodium being reabsorbed in your kidneys, which (as far as i can tell) makes your wee weaker and you go more often, which takes water out of your blood, so your blood takes up less space in your blood vessels and lowering your blood pressure. It's often given to diabetics because it has less of an effect on your metabolism than other thiazide diuretics. (Whow, i'm learning a lot on this site...two years of BTEC is nothing compared to this..🙂).
Ellowyne, try not to panic (it's no good for your blood pressure for a start), you can do this. I'm sure you think you can't, but you can. I hope one day you can look back on all this and say "whow, i'm stronger than i thought! I did it after all!!". We're all standing behind you, wishing you well. Don't worry about over-reacting, least of all on here, tell us your worries, coz one thing i've come to understand since finding this place and becoming diabetic is, that a problem shared is a problem halved.. Good luck:D

ellowynne i cant help you with the medical in and outs but what i can say is well done on the reduction in BS only a few months ago you didnt know what you faced and now you've got a reduction !!! it will take time to sort out and get balanced but your going in the right direction ! one small step at a time xx
Thank you for all your kind comments.

I do feel a little bit better and a little more reassured that this does NOt mean impending death!....Really, I do get so panicked and, thinking about my own death, is something that often pre occupies my mind....I thought I was getting better until all this!....So, ok, DSN tommorow, perhaps she can shed some more light on this for me. Secondly, my blood pressure medication....two years on, maybe it's time for a reveiw?

No matter how many times I panick and get a knee jerk reaction to things, I still do the same over!...I am glad that I have you guys to help me clear the mist and think more rationally 🙂 I will check in tommorow and let you know how my appointment with the DSN goes...fingers crossed all will be well!

Early night for me tonight...Thanks again, so much!

Ellowyne xXx

Just a quickie as only an hour left online as away.

Can I just say that even though you are not happy your HbA1c has only gone down from 8.7 to 8.4, you should be really really pleased with yourself. That is an achievement and it is small steps that are needed. Even .3 makes such a huge difference to future complications, seriously they do. We were only discussing this on the other childrens email group the other week. You keep doing .3 down and you are decreasing problems you could potentially have had so you deserve a huge pat on the back for the hard work you are putting in.

Well done, you are going fantastic. 🙂
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