Programme about E numbers - BBC2 8pm 26/8/10

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I just watched the last in the series about E-numbers. Have to say it was a very well-produced series and I learned a lot from it - mainly that E-numbers are not as evil as they are made out to be! Many of them are simply labels applied to completely natural ingredients. The last programme had a very good section on artificial sweeteners and how they work, plus new studies showing that people's brains can detect that they don't have calories (even though they are sweet) and therefore makes people subconsciously eat more to compensate!

The programme is available on i-player for anyone who missed it. 🙂
My mum knows to her cost how sweetners work. SHe has them in her tea, on tasting the sweetness her body expected a sugar hit which didn't happen. She hated the headaches so started having sugar in her tea again. SHe's not diabetic, just awkward!
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