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Relationship to Diabetes
Other Type
I have been diabetic for over 20 years. Now I keep going low sugared every night. I had a 6 inch pizza last night and didn't take any Novorapid apart from my morning Lantus but still went low sugared.
Level is at 4.8 now and not sure how I should continue?
I have been diabetic for over 20 years. Now I keep going low sugared every night. I had a 6 inch pizza last night and didn't take any Novorapid apart from my morning Lantus but still went low sugared.
Level is at 4.8 now and not sure how I should continue?
From the very little info given it sounds as if you are having far to much Lantus so you need to do a basal test and see what is going on.
4.8 is a normal blood sugar, though obviously there's a problem with your basal insulin as it has obviously been used to cover the carbs you are eating as well.
Hi and welcome

Do you adjust your Lantus dose yourself or do you rely on your DSN to advise you with that. What sort of dose of Lantus do you take?

Did you go lower than 4.8 as that is actually a "normal" reading and nothing to be concerned about in itself especially if you didn't have any active insulin in your system and if you take your Lantus in the morning then it will be running out, so there is little chance of you dropping too low.

Your profile states your "Diabetes Type" as "Other Type" Can you tell us a bit more about that? ie. How your diagnosis came about etc?
I am type 1 diabetic from the age of 23. I normally take 18 Lantus in the morning and evening. I have been taking Novorpid for my meals, 1 unit per 10 carbs is normally okay. Just recently I have stopped taking the Novorapid and I am still going low sugared. I don't know what a basal test is.
To answer the last question, I am the first and only daibetic in my family. I am fed up with dealing with it and have tried insulin overdoses several times. Doesn't work and I am done.
I am type 1 diabetic from the age of 23. I normally take 18 Lantus in the morning and evening. I have been taking Novorpid for my meals, 1 unit per 10 carbs is normally okay. Just recently I have stopped taking the Novorapid and I am still going low sugared. I don't know what a basal test is.

That must be a worry and a frustration @CammMc There are a few medical issues that can cause low sugar, so it would be worth a chat with your GP or nurse to rule those out, or, indeed, to find an answer and sort it for you.

In the meantime, I’d phone your DSN to get advice about reducing your Lantus to stop the low sugars, particularly the nighttime ones. What blood sugar do you go to bed on eg do you always make sure you’re 8 or above? Do you have a snack? We can’t advise on doses but I’d be looking at a reasonable reduction if you’re dropping below 3.

Also, you could ask about a possible change of basal insulin eg Levemir is a good twice daily insulin. It might suit you better. But in the meantime, speak to your DSN and reduce your evening Lantus at least as well as getting some general advice about possible causes of your lows. Basal needs can change a lot over the years and it might simply be you need a lot less Lantus than previously.
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To answer the last question, I am the first and only daibetic in my family. I am fed up with dealing with it and have tried insulin overdoses several times. Doesn't work and I am done.

Sounds like you are having a really rough time, and I can completely understand how frustrating it must be.

Are you getting emotional / mental health support alongside your diabetes care? Sounds like you might be experiencing some diabetes burnout. It can be a relentless condition to live with day-in day-out. :(

Diabetes can be quite isolating to live with too, and like you I am the only person in my family with diabetes. It’s great that you have joined the forum, where you can share experiences with other people facing the same challenges every day, and who instinctively ‘get it’.

We have had a few members over the years, notably our ex-Admin @Northerner who gradually needed to reduce basal/background insulin until there was no dose needed, but still takes NovoRapid with meals.

Hope you can get an appointment or phone call with your DSN / clinic / GP.

Hang in there!
I am type 1 diabetic from the age of 23. I normally take 18 Lantus in the morning and evening. I have been taking Novorpid for my meals, 1 unit per 10 carbs is normally okay. Just recently I have stopped taking the Novorapid and I am still going low sugared. I don't know what a basal test is.
The Basal is used to compensate for the continuous background output of clucose from the liver. A rough test is to fast for several hours and see if your BS goes up or down. From that you can adjust your dose. Note that many of us use different injection amounts for the day versus the night-time dose. In my case lower at night.
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