problems with profile photo

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Every time i try and and upload a pic it says my upload has failed,
can anyone help me with this please
some folks use something called photobucket, someone will be along to explain it. Apparently it makes up loading pictures easier.
There are some size restrictions on profile and avatar pictures - make sure your picture meets them or it will fail. It's not very informative (or generous with size!)
There are some size restrictions on profile and avatar pictures - make sure your picture meets them or it will fail. It's not very informative (or generous with size!)

I had real difficulty when I uploaded mine as couldn't shrink it to a small enough size. I googled something along the lines of 'photo size avatar' and found a site that did it for me!

According to the info when you upload the picture should be 75x75 pixels OR 19.5kb whichever is smaller.

You could use the freely available Paint .NET which is a good image editor and lets you set the amount of compression when saving a .jpg file (this way it tells you the filesize BEFORE you save it so you can make sure it's the right size)

When you click File -> Save As, choose the JPG format and enter a filename, then click Save. It will come up with another window with a slider in the top left to control the Quality and to the right it says "Preview, file size:" and this is the size in kb that the image will be when it's saved at that quality. [/geek]

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According to the info when you upload the picture should be 75x75 pixels OR 19.5kb whichever is smaller.

You could use the freely available Paint .NET which is a good image editor and lets you set the amount of compression when saving a .jpg file (this way it tells you the filesize BEFORE you save it so you can make sure it's the right size)


Thanks people, i will try again this eve, although it does say 200x200 pixels?
Thanks people, i will try again this eve, although it does say 200x200 pixels?

Yes, the profile picture appears when someone looks at your profile. The 'avatar' picture is the one that appears next to your posts and is smaller.
Thats what I get for speed reading 😉

Profile picture is 200 x 200 OR 64kb, avatar is 75 x 75 OR 19.5kb whichever is smaller.

I had real difficulty when I uploaded mine as couldn't shrink it to a small enough size. I googled something along the lines of 'photo size avatar' and found a site that did it for me!

Thanks aymes tryed that and it is still saying the photo upload failed, and the pic is not bigger than 200x200 i think it may be a problem with this site/?
Thanks aymes tryed that and it is still saying the photo upload failed, and the pic is not bigger than 200x200 i think it may be a problem with this site/?

Can I clarify Scotty? Are you trying to upload a picture to appear with each of your posts (like the pig you see next to mine here? If so, that has to be no bigger thatn 75x75 pixels and less than 19k - it;s best if you can meet both these requirements to have the best chance of succeeding. Alternatively, you can send the picture to me and I will try for you.
Can I clarify Scotty? Are you trying to upload a picture to appear with each of your posts (like the pig you see next to mine here? If so, that has to be no bigger thatn 75x75 pixels and less than 19k - it;s best if you can meet both these requirements to have the best chance of succeeding. Alternatively, you can send the picture to me and I will try for you.

Arr wright i thought it was the other way round, nivs said profile was 200x200 now i no Thankyou :D
Scotty have you managed it yet? If not email me the pic and I will sort it out for you! Avatars are restricted as there is nothing worse than using a forum and the avatars are so large ou have to scroll forever to read a post!
Scotty have you managed it yet? If not email me the pic and I will sort it out for you! Avatars are restricted as there is nothing worse than using a forum and the avatars are so large ou have to scroll forever to read a post!

Hi no still not managed to do it, sounds a bit daft how do i email you a picture threw email?
Hi no still not managed to do it, sounds a bit daft how do i email you a picture threw email?

oh just had a look on email firgued how to do it wahts your email please
Hi alan, still having problems im uploading the pic u edited and it still not having it, can u see your own profile pic or is it just other members, lol feel like throwing my laptop threw the window
Hi alan, still having problems im uploading the pic u edited and it still not having it, can u see your own profile pic or is it just other members, lol feel like throwing my laptop threw the window

All sorted!🙂
Well done guys you got there in the end

LOvely doggy there Scotty whats its name ?
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