Problems with leg calf

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
For 2-3 weeks my left calf in particular has been having really weird sensations, many times each day feeling as if it’s going to cramp when it doesn’t and lots of strange sensationa - it is also quite stiff - this is during the day. the nights are similar sensation but only actually cramped about ten out twenty nights. Right calf is similar but hasnt had a full cramp.
absolutely fine with my limited walking. No changes in medication, hydration, BG levels or anything else.
I’ve been doing calf stretching exercises and using a TENs machine which has provided some relief.
Any thoughts as to what might be causing it please?
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I sometimes get that, more often if I haven't drunk enough. I have found rubbing magnesium gel on my calves helps in that it doesn't happen again that night whereas before once a cramp had happened it would keep happening several more times.
It was recommended by a sports therapist when I went for some treatment after my knee injury. Not that I do any sports but I was a subject for sports therapy students.
Hi Amanda
Just wondering whether it could be linked to spinal issues. A friend had similar symptoms and it was a compression in the lower spine. Might be worth a check.
From what I have read vitamins and minerals associated with muscle weakness, spasms, cramps are a deficiency in : vitamin B5, D, minerals manganese, phosphorus, potasdium, selwnium, sodium, and Fibre

There is no official upper limit set for B5 too

A good multivitamin might help, like Immunace extra.
Whilst you have not been Type 1 for as long as me you were diagnosed in the days of urine tests, and syringes and needles that were reused. So I suspect in your early years your control, like mine, was probably not brilliant!

Therefore my concern is that it may be PAD (peripheral arterial disease). Have you a Doppler test recently? Besides listening the ABPI (ankle brachial pressure index) needs measuring. If your GP/clinic mess you about any half decent podiatrist can carry the test out.

Also are you on a statin and a mini (75mg) aspirin?

Good luck! Any questions just ask as I have read the book and got the T-shirt!
Persevere with stretching exercises & tens machine AJlang, had bother with sciatica while back & recently used both strategies, condition is much improved thankfully.
I second trying the magnesium gel. I had something similar in the awful Summer heat and mine seemed to be a mix of dehydration and mineral depletion. The magnesium gel sorted mine in a few days - not completely but 90%. I used it every night. I also took the odd sachet of Dioralyte in case my electrolytes were off in the hot weather. As the weather got colder, it seemed to disappear. Mine felt like tension/tight knots/pulling and thought it was about to cramp during the day. At night it almost always cramped and my calves felt tight and just not like they usually did.

I do also second the advice of getting a medical opinion if it doesn’t go away.
Hi Amanda 🙂

I have weird flutterings and almost cramps, sometimes actual cramps in both my calves, they also feel stiff. I've got damaged cirulcation in my feet and legs, my Doppler tests are biphasic in one foot and monophasic in my Charcot foot for blood flow indicating serious circulation problems. I hope yours isn't related to that but I would ask for help from GP and diabetes podiatry to rule out any circulation problems as they affect the my whole of my lower legs around the clock.
The last few nights I've had cramps and threats of them - it is not entirely unusual so I have a plan to deal with it. I up my intake of fluids, add a second sprinkle of salt to my food and usually find that the salt container next to the coffee percolator is empty and I have not thought to get another. I usually pick up a pot of multi vitamin and minerals when I get the salt and normally by then the problem has resolved.
Thank you very much everyone for helping me. I delayed my reply until I was sure that everything back to normal. Brilliant news is that everything is now back to normal. The cramps appear to have been caused by my blood sodium dropping a bit below normal for a while (not related to my salt intake) but that’s ok now. The other calf issues were sorted out with physio exercises. I was in so much pain/discomfort when I orginally wrote this post that I am so relieved now that everything is sorted out xx
Could be restless leg syndrome which can be triggered by deficiency (magnesium or ferritin) or some meds but given our diabetic risks agree PAD definitely needs ruling out as well to be on the safe side.
Thank you very much everyone for helping me. I delayed my reply until I was sure that everything back to normal. Brilliant news is that everything is now back to normal. The cramps appear to have been caused by my blood sodium dropping a bit below normal for a while (not related to my salt intake) but that’s ok now. The other calf issues were sorted out with physio exercises. I was in so much pain/discomfort when I orginally wrote this post that I am so relieved now that everything is sorted out xx
Good to hear that things have settled Amanda.
Also helpful to others to know the factors involved in yours and others.
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