Problems with injecting

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ive only been diagnosed just over 4 months but i had started injecting twice a day and i only used my tummy. About 6 weeks ago i changed to 4 a day so i am injecting novorapid in my tummy 3 times a day with no problems at all and my levemir once a day in my leg but everytime i inject i get a lump which is often sore and takes about a week to go away. Is this normal? I dont think it is my injectiong technique as i dont have any problems with my tummy.

I did try doing it in my bottom last night but i just couldnt reach and i think i pulled a muscle trying to lol.

Where do you all inject? Which do u find best? Just i cant really keep using my legs if im going to get a lump everytime.

I inject on my side, hip, tummy, legs and arms. Be careful if you are getting lumps as this can mean you have injected a blood vessel and all the insulin has gone in there and not into your system. In turn that means your body may not be getting the levimir. Though they do break down eventually.
I inject mostly in my legs. I usually only use my tum for injections when I'm eating out. It's not very convenient having to scoot off to the loo to inject in the legs - my food always gets cold!
Ive only been diagnosed just over 4 months but i had started injecting twice a day and i only used my tummy. About 6 weeks ago i changed to 4 a day so i am injecting novorapid in my tummy 3 times a day with no problems at all and my levemir once a day in my leg but everytime i inject i get a lump which is often sore and takes about a week to go away. Is this normal? I dont think it is my injectiong technique as i dont have any problems with my tummy.

I did try doing it in my bottom last night but i just couldnt reach and i think i pulled a muscle trying to lol.

Where do you all inject? Which do u find best? Just i cant really keep using my legs if im going to get a lump everytime.


Hi Emma,

I have that problem too. It took ages to work out why it was just Levemir that caused the lumps. In the end I've been told I'm allergic to it. I haven't actually changed to a different type of insulin yet but that would be my first peice of advice, the second being splitting the Levemir in two, once in the evening and once in the morning and injecting into your bum - this really helps reduce the lumps.

Hope this helps?
sounds like allergic reactions you are getting. maybe move your 3 daily injections to your legs and the one to your tummy and see if that makes a difference?
just managed to do them in my bum nd no problems with the levemir there so im not to sure maybe my legs jut dnt like it!
I mainly use my legs for all of my daytime injections because i find my stomach a bit more sensitive. Goes to show everyones different

I used to have a massive problem with bleeding/bruising and lumps with all my jabs, turns out my old hospital (i have since moved!!) had me on enormous needles, way too long for my skin, so the insulin was going too deep. I recently changed from 8mm to 5mm and im now trying to get back in the habit or rotating the sites. But i have hardly any probs any more and its actually improved my erratic BGs a little too as injecting too deep can affect the absorption rate of insulin.
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