Problem linking Freestyle Libre2 sensor to Bluetooth on iPhone SE


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
My husband is having a lot of problems over the last few days getting his iPhone SE to connect to his sensor via Bluetooth - often Bluetooth isn't seeing it at all or if it is, he still cannot get a reading from the sensor and the automatic readings aren't coming through either.
Is anyone else experiencing the same??
Doesn't use Bluetooth to scan - uses NFC.
Doesn't use Bluetooth to scan - uses NFC.

But Libre2 does use Bluetooth for the automatic transmission of CGM datapoints in between any manual scans.

It’s a while since I used Libre, so I may not have the terminology correct, but is he getting “signal loss” alerts? Are manual scans working OK?

Is his LibreView app up to date? And has his iOS automatically updated to v18 recently. I’m not sure if Libre is compatible with iOS18 yet, but Medtronic have cautioned users to switch off automatic updates, and only upgrade once they have released updated apps.
I knew it used Bluetooth to display the readings between scans - I took that to mean the 'automatic readings' which Rosie mentioned after the words 'still can't get a reading'.
Thank you for your replies. What does NFC stand for?

After starting a 3rd new sensor, he decided to stick with a separate device (not sure what it's called) to manually scan the sensor for readings when necessary, which works fine.
On 1st & 2nd sensors the phone would intermittently connect via Bluetooth and generate an automatic reading but the graph was full of gaps and he panics if he cannot get a manual reading - especially as he was a bit high anyway.

His LibreLink app is up to date (and he logged out/in, turned phone off/on as well) and as far as I am aware he is still on IOS17.6.1 but problem does seem to have got more noticeable since that installed at beginning of last week.
I will get him to check IOS level and that updates are turned off when he finishes work today.

We had also spoken to Vodafone and Apple who were both helpful but could find nothing wrong with phone.

Fingers crossed it resolves itself quickly!
. What does NFC stand for?
NFC is Near Field Communication. It’s what your phone uses for contactless payments when you tap it on a payment machine in a supermarket, and also what the phone uses to read the sensor when you scan it for a manual reading.
Thanks, I have never heard that term before and just assumed it was all Bluetooth! You learn something new everyday 🙂