Private Health Insurance

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Having had some health scares lately I was rather annoyed that I'd cancelled my BUPA cover years ago - but I couldn't really justify the cost when at the time it appeared to not cover anything that might be directly or indirectly related to diabetes - that list can be long

Was rather nicely surprised today to discover that HSA offer a private medical plan that covers any pre-existing conditions that can be "corrected" - you do have to wait two years from the date of taking out the cover for pre-existing conditions but as I though that it would be impossible to get insurance I was pleased to find this out..........

Thought that I would share it with you in case this is of interest to anyone else although it obviously isn't cheap I would rather pay than have the worry that I have at the moment of a long waiting list to see a cardiologist.
Thanks for the tip off. I shall look into what an HSA policy invoves/costs etc. Good work! I expect that will interest a lot of people, thanks.
yes thanks AJL a very useful post for may i suspect x
My discovery with pretty much all health insurance regarding diabetes is that they will tar everything (well almost) with 'it could be as a result of diabetes'.

You really need to read the small print VERY closely and even ask the question, not on the phone, but in writing, some of the companies are very good and clear in there responses, others will avoid or even deny they ever spoke to you.
My discovery with pretty much all health insurance regarding diabetes is that they will tar everything (well almost) with 'it could be as a result of diabetes'.

You really need to read the small print VERY closely and even ask the question, not on the phone, but in writing, some of the companies are very good and clear in there responses, others will avoid or even deny they ever spoke to you.

Hi Einstein

I agree with you and I was very surprised the insurance appeared to cover pre-existing (albeit after two years) The wording on the terms and conditions is

"Any disease, illness or injury, whether diagnosed or otherwise,
for which you have received medical advice, consultation, or
treatment, or for which you have experienced symptoms, before
joining a HSA Personal Medical Plan, will not be covered until you
have held a policy for a two-year continuous period. You may, of
course, continue to receive advice and treatment within the twoyear
period, but this will not be covered or paid for by us. This is
known as a moratorium on pre-existing conditions and will be
shown on your policy documents."

If anyone has any concerns about this/is aware of problems please share them in case there does appear to be a loophole with regard to the diabetes - I can't find one but would welcome the comments of others
Read through the terms and conditions today and the booklet had more information than I could see on the website - right at the end of the booklet there are examples relating to "chronic conditions" and it is not until the inside back cover of the booklet that it says "HSA Personal Medical Plans do not cover treatments for chronic conditions such as diabetes or any medical condition relating to diabetes" - very disappointing but as Einstein had predicted - and when I had originally queried it on the phone (before receiving the booklet) they had said that it covered all conditions after two years that could be corrected.....................but didn't mention that this didn't apply if it was relating to diabetes! Oh well I will just have to enjoy spending the money that I would have spent on that on something much nicer.................such as a relaxing day at the spa!

I retired two years ago as a Barrister and have seen these clauses too many times.

If you have asthma its really 'just' your lungs it impacts, with diabetes it can be applied (and believe me will be) to just about anything.

My advice to anyone here with private medical insurance, is then you discover you're diabetic, have cancer or any other major condition, NEVER miss one payment on your cover, always respond to anything they send you and send it back not in their postage paid envelope, make the effort, go to the expense and send it back recorded delivery.

They would love any excuse to be able to tell you they can no longer cover you. If they write and say they don't with to insure you further seek urgent professional advice, they may be able to legitimately do this, they may be just trying to get rid of you as a customer, don't take what they say as factual - check it for yourself and do it the day the post arrives, tomorrow never comes until you need to claim!
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