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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a quick question
If you disconnect your pump for the shower do you prime it before reconnecting?
I use a combo and leave it running when I disconnect.
No we just reconnect and it seems fine. The tube shouldn't need priming if you leave it running, and the cannulas we use can't be primed once in place apart from in the first instance because you don't know how much is left in it, and you might end up giving yourself an overdose! I can't imagine that the cannula loses much, if any, just during the short time you're in the bath anyway 🙂
I stop my pump. Before reconnecting I hold the tube up to the light and prime the tube. Sometimes there is a gap in insulin at the end of the tube and sometimes not. I don't prime the cannula for the same reason as Sally said.
Thanks both. I knew the cannula would be alright but wondered about the tubing. I shall continue as before.
I've always done what you do. I did start off be stopping the pump - but discovered I always had a gap at the end of the tubing that I had to prime out, so next time just left it running and it's been running ever since then!
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