Prep for appointment with Diabetic Nurse and test results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hello there.
I have my first appointment with the diabetic nurse scheduled in two days. I'd like to maximise the opportunity so I'm wondering how best to prepare. I understand she will be doing a foot and hand check. I wonder what else? Also can she help to schedule the eye check? Any more tips would be helpful.

I'm still waiting on results to determine my type but was put on metformin for now. I haven't been testing daily as it gives me anxiety but occasionally when I do test I don't see the difference in the numbers from when I wasn't on meds.

Does anyone recall how long it took to get their GaD and c peptide results back?
Hi and welcome
As soon as I was diagnosed, my GP surgery put in a request with my hospital for the eye check. I had to wait until an appointment became available. So you could ask the nurse if the request has been made, and ask which hospital will do the test. Metformin reduces glucose absorption from the intestines, lowers liver glucose production, and improves insulin sensitivity. Metformin is recommended with dietary changes and exercise for better results. So I expect your nurse will want to discuss your diet and lifestyle. These are very important for Type 2 diabetics. If you are not Type 2, treatment will be different.
Does anyone recall how long it took to get their GaD and c peptide results back?

It took some weeks @Mbabazi I think one result was ready before the other but I can’t remember which. I’d ask the nurse the expected time that those would be back and also ask the nurse to check the system just in case they have come back but haven’t been processed yet.

In your position, determining your type is one of the priorities.
What sort of results are you getting when you do test?
If they are in the mid teens, have you been testing for ketones? If you don't have any means for testing ketones (usually urine dip sticks) then ask the nurse for some.

The C-peptide came back within a week or 2 for me but the GAD took a good 6 weeks.
Thank you all for the responses.
I'm watching my ketones as I had DKA when I was diagnosed mid year. My waking numbers hover above 10 and my two hour post meal higher teens. I'm trying to fast 18:6 so I hope that's helping . I was started on 500mg metformin because I had bad reactions to it before but I hope the smaller dose is helping. My BMI is 21 but I guess a little weight loss will help me. I weigh 62kgs.

I'm keen on the foot and finger check because I'd shared here that I feel tingles and odd sensations in both. I'll inquire about the eye test from the nurse then.

It's only been a week since I did my tests so I supose ive got some more time to wait.
If the C Peptide comes back first, do try to get that result rather than have them wait for both results to be back. It will only give you part of the picture, but it will give some information.

You know that I think you could well be Type 1. Please don’t let your fear of insulin stop you seeking the appropriate help if needed, especially with the holiday season approaching.

Look after yourself x
My BMI is 21 but I guess a little weight loss will help me. I weigh 62kgs.
I also do something 18:6 fast as it helps to keep me disciplined, help to have a longer controlled BG plus other things but if I was you I wouldn’t use it to loose weight, bmi of 21 is bang in the middle of the healthy range.
I think it unlikely that the C-pep result will be all that useful in that it may well be borderline since you are currently managing (albeit not well with those levels) without injected insulin. Mine was borderline even after starting on insulin. It was the GAD which was the clincher for my diagnosis.
Good that you have a means of testing for ketones, but please do keep testing, particularly over the festive period as diabetes has a habit of kicking you in the teeth at inconvenient times and obviously there are a lot of high carb foods at this time of year which could just tip the scales, so do keep an eye on things. Knowledge is power with diabetes. Burying your head in the sand just leaves your bum exposed 🙄 and diabetes can bite if you don't keep an eye on it and look after it.
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