Premature Ovarian Failure

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Relationship to Diabetes
I wondered if anyone can give me some information about this issue. Sadly my 18 year daughter who has type 1 diabetes has been diagnosed with ovarian failure. After lots of tests, scans and an unsuccessful attempt at egg freezing she has now been put on HRT. She is reluctant to take it so I’m battling with this right now. Just wondered if there are any other type 1 diabetics with the same condition who can give me some more information about this. Just looking for information on treatments, side effects along with anything to watch out for ie. Mood swings and sexual health issues. Thank you.
I’m sorry to hear that @Leggott That must be very hard to take on board at her age. Do you know why she doesn’t want to take the HRT? Is it worry about side effects or simply embarrassment or similar?

I’ve done a quick search and can’t find any recent threads here, but I’ll look again. In the meantime, I hope this is of help if you haven’t seen it:

It’s also possible Diabetes U.K. might have some information (phone number top right).
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Oh Goodness! I am so very sorry!
I'm afraid I have no experience of this condition but I use HRT patches (Evorell Conti) and they revolutionized my life following a really difficult menopause, with no side effects, so I can speak very highly of those. Took a bit to find places to put the patches where they stayed put, but I am now on just a half dose (cut the patches in half) and still works great for me. The hot flushes made it confusing as to whether I was having a hypo or a hot flush and once the HRT stopped those, my diabetes was much easier to manage.
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