Pregnancy diabetes to soar after test change (Australia)

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
ONE in five pregnant women could be diagnosed with gestational diabetes under new criteria doctors say will put more pressure on hospitals already struggling for resources to treat the condition.

The number of women with gestational diabetes could increase 50 per cent under guidelines that will call for universal screening of pregnant women and lower the blood glucose level deemed for a positive diagnosis.

The Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society has taken a year and a half preparing to adopt the international criteria, in part because of a fear the health system would be unable to cope.
But what is the test - A1c or what?

Here they do an OGTT. If the 2 hour figure for that is only 5.1 how can they say someone non preg with a 10, isn't diabetic?

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