Pregabalin for Diabetic Neurapathy

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is anybody with D.N. taking Pregabalin? If so is it better that Gabapentin? The pain clinic at my local Hospital has suggested that my GP ups my dose of Gabapentin from my existing dose of 2 x 100mgt o 300mg x 3 times or puts me on Pregabalin. Is Pregabalin better?
Don't myself but wife takes pregabalin & has done for years, takes it both day & night for nerve pain. She's not had any side effects so tolerates it well.
I was saying yesterday on another thread, that a friend of mine with scoliosis ie curvature of the spine n various other medical probs had fairly recently asked if she could change her pain medication to pregabalin after another mutual friend having asked her last summer if she'd ever tried it, cos she'd heard good reports of it from people she knew. Six months later, by now it's had a really massive, virtually whole body, good effect for her. Everyone's body is different and the only way to discover whether it suits yours or not, is literally try it and find out!

Her neurologist told her upfront that it could take at least weeks if not months to make any difference so she didn't really share her good news with anyone except her husband for ages - but she now feels comfortable that it isn't just the placebo effect and wishful thinking on her part, so has started to tell people.
I have a very different type of nerve pain, phantom pain from a LBKA (Left Below Knee Amputation). The goto drug for phantom pain is Gabapentin which seems little better than red smarties. I am currently on 2 x 300mg and 1 x 400mg. 3 x 400mg made zero difference and there has even been talk of 3 x 600mg. I have asked about Pregablin and got a waffley no! Yesterday I was tired all day after a very disturbed night with phantom pain and when I tried to get an hour before supper it kicked in again for a couple of hours! It sucks!
Wish the doctor had been more mature and upfront when I asked about Pregabalin. I have been looking at the NHS website and it is not recommended for the over 65s. So why didn't he just say that. Think I will ask about medical grade heroine as a windup!
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