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Nigel R

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Have you any tips taking this medication from pump users I have tried the TBR on coping with these tablets as now my blood sugar is out of control. I have used the TBR and I still struggle with strange ups not many down except one to surprise me. My next move is to do a specific profile what do you think ? .my GP says just do the best you can . I emailed my clinic run by
dietitian but no help to me so a bit on my own
Hi @Nigel R If there’s an obvious profile to the highs, I’d cautiously try a specific new basal profile. I don’t think a TBR would give sufficient flexibility. How long are you on the steroids for?
It works out to about 2 units of insulin to 1mg of pred. So you need to adjust both basal and bolus.
Biggest hit comes at around lunch time as pred is taken 1st thing in the morning.
If you have the ability to shift to a completely different set of settings, that might be a good option - and allow you to switch back once the course has finished.

Not sure which pump you are using @Nigel R - Do your profiles include both basal and bolus settings as on the tSlim, or are they stored in separate places, as on the Medtronic?

In either case, perhaps just make sure you jot all your settings down in a notebook or phone note (this isn’t a bad idea to do pretty regularly to be honest, so that you have a fallback).

Hopefully once you are on a slightly beefed-up profile, things like TBRs should begin to have the expected effect again.
Thank you all for your thoughts, at the moment I am fire fighting and giving extra bolus to match the changes it is far from perfect but the changes are completely strange and any time of day so this is the best option
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