Pre diabetic


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hello all , just been confirmed as PD, result of 44. Cholesterol 6.1. This was a shock to me , as I eat healthy. I have refused statins, and agreed to try myself to bring results down and retest in 6months. Please any tip advice.
Unfortunately what is regarded as a healthy diet these days is low fat and high carb - just the wrong thing to deal with type 2 diabetes.
As you are only in the lower slopes of prediabetes analysing your intake of carbs and making changes should send you down into normal numbers with any luck.
Hi @TC3 and welcome to the forum!

I'm sorry about your results, but I'm glad to see you're motivated to turn that around! There's some information about food here on our website, with links to meal plans and recipes, as diet and exercise are usually the go-to changes that people need to make to get their numbers down. As Drummer has mentioned, high carb is what you need to steer away from, not just sugars. Have a look at what you eat day-to-day or each week and see what you could perhaps switch out. You're quite low on the 'threshold' so small long-lasting changes should be enough to reduce those numbers.
Welcome to the forum
Where you are at is a bit of a wake up call to make some dietary changes, this may only need to be quite modest to make a big difference. Many find a low carbohydrate approach is successful in reducing blood glucose, lowering cholesterol even though it is not low fat and helping people lose weight if needed.
Have a look at this link as it has a good explanation and some meal plans but if you don't like something so rigid then following the principals will give you a good idea.
Hi @TC3 and welcome to the forum!

I'm sorry about your results, but I'm glad to see you're motivated to turn that around! There's some information about food here on our website, with links to meal plans and recipes, as diet and exercise are usually the go-to changes that people need to make to get their numbers down. As Drummer has mentioned, high carb is what you need to steer away from, not just sugars. Have a look at what you eat day-to-day or each week and see what you could perhaps switch out. You're quite low on the 'threshold' so small long-lasting changes should be enough to reduce those numbers.
Thank you for the link and the kind welcome , let's get this started.