Pre D and T2 reversal Success Stories

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
I think we all need a motivation boost every now and then to help us either reverse or manage our diabetes situations.

I’ll go first. Years of being 2.5 stone overweight, beers, ate poorly, sitting down too much, no exercise. In August was told Hb1..was 44 and pre diabetes. Shock!

Results today 3rd Dec now Hb1..38. So reversed!

2 stones
Gym 3 times a week - 40 mins cardio
Alcohol free for 10 weeks (now moderate)
Low carb diet 20 - 30g per day (now balanced)
Time restricted eating - evening meal 6 -7pm (low carb) skip breakfast, lunch at 12.30pm.

feel great, look great, need new clothes! Full clearance from Doctor today

If I can reverse pre diabetes in 3 months anyone in the same position can. lose weight/take some moderate exercise 3/4 times a week and keep to low carbs - over 3 months focus it really can work.
Yep, it can be done. Some people may not be so fortunate, but others can definitely take heart. Type 2 diabetes need not be a continuous downward trend that some medical types predict.

Like you I turned my diabetes around and was able to come off all medication in just three months after diagnosis. I have been medication free ever since (ten years and counting).

More recently, as mentioned on other threads, I have not been so good. But, I have a new 'experiment' on the go. I am aiming to reverse my condition again by May 2020. 🙂
I am unusual (perhaps one of 10%) in that I'm a slim T2D or a TOFI (Thin Outside, Fat Inside).
I posted the following over in the other forum 11 weeks ago:
"I'm not sure if my story qualifies as a success, because my Hab1c upon diagnosis was only 53 (7%) and all I did was go LCHF with a little Intermittent Fasting.
There was no conscious Calorie restriction -so my LCHF was often very High Fat!. I just counted carbs and ate to my BG meter. No medication and no additional exercise.
I hate exercise for its own sake since I get no endorphin rush from it, perhaps this is for the same reason that Opioid painkillers have no (pain reduction) effect on me
neither Codeine nor Morphine (in Hospital - that was very painful ) !

So from 170 lbs, Hba1c 53 in April this year
to 148 lbs, Hba1c 45 in late August

Well it may not be much of a success compared to some, but I'm happy with it and since it was really 'lifestyle' rather than diet, I'm confident that it is sustainable over the long term. "

his was done against all the medical advice I got from the DN and GP. They said it could not be done, the best hope the GP said was continually increasing medication, but not to worry since he was confident that I wouldn't die in a diabetic coma.
Their dietary advice was exactly the same that I had been following already for over 10yrs at that time. The one which had at best failed to prevent me, a slim healthy non smoking, moderate drinking, reasonably health conscious guy having both a 3x Coronary Artery Bypass (no actual heart attack, butt a 100% blockage, a 98% blockage and a 89% blockage) and then T2D - yet somehow they expected that diet to suddenly start working.
Well I am stubborn, but I'm not crazy!
I was given some DUK literature and also Googled and found 'the other group'. Comparing the content of their forum and Low Carb advice with the carby meals suggested by DUK was no contest.
I owe my remission to the experienced people posting about BG testing before and after meals and generally giving Low Carb advice.

Since DUK helped finance Prof Roy Taylor's DIRECT study, I can't understand why they give such bad dietary advice to T2's on the main part of the website.
Roy Taylor helped Dr David Unwin produce the stats about his fantastic results in his Southport practice with remission of T2D in his diabetes patients, so he isn't narrow minded.
Is it the Corporate Sponsors that cause it? - If so, is it worth it?
At least it isn't like that here in the forum.
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