Practice costs seen as ?quick win? for CCGs, warns GPC

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
CCGs will view cutting spending on referrals and prescribing as ?a good place to start? when they tackle the task of finding major efficiency savings, a GPC leader has warned.

Dr Simon Poole predicted ?a lot of tension? in the relationship between CCGs and their constituent practices as commissioning groups target general practice as a ?quick win? where savings can be found.

?This is something that really worries me,? said Dr Poole, deputy chair of the GPC?s commissioning and service development sub-committee. ?If practices are seen by CCGs just as a point of scrutiny regarding how much they are spending, how much they are referring, how much they are prescribing, it will cause a lot of tension.?

He said CCGs struggling to make savings would have four big options open to them: rationing low priority treatments, renegotiating contracts with hospitals, redesigning care pathways or cutting spending on primary care.

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