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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ok so i didnt end up 'powerwalking' but me and my friend ended up trecking up to asda and back instead! we did about 3 hours walking in total! (this included walking round asda lol) left at 9pm and got back around midnight, about 3 and a half miles and burned around 350 calories (clever blackberry phone lol)

Didnt start off to well as i lowered my insulin for dinner by half....and was only 7.4 2 hours after so had to have a biscuit which totally defeats the object of the exercise! ended up being 4.3 at 2am as well so yet again another snack needed not too happy!

So maybe i should have an energy drink next time and sip it so i dont spike myself...but at the same time preventing a low?

Any comments?
If you had a pump you could lower your basal 2 hours before and put yourself on 50% for the whole of the walk - and probably not need a hypo treatment or biscuit.🙂Bev
Try reducing your dinner dose even more next time? I'm always amazed by how much less novorapid I need if I'm exercising in the 2 hours afterwards. It's not a failure, just keep trying til you get it to an ecceptable level - it'll never be perfect, unfortunately.
Replied yesterday to D_G's Power walking thread in Exercise section.
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