pounding heart

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
sometimes when i eat late and i go to bed - my heart pounds so loud and fast. My blood sugar is normal at the time. It keeps me awake at times. It also happens if I drink alcohol. Does this happen anyone else?
hi lo i cant say i get pounding heart but i get heartburn a hell of a lot more then i used to and it really does keep me up some nights, maybe book yourself in with the GP especially if its concerning you and after all it is your heart it needs looking after
Hi lol,

I have had this (not diabetic) - and its one of those things that if you think too much about it - it feels like its doing it even more! When the body digests food it does take a lot of effort and will put a bit of strain on your heart and blood pressure etc..
I know its easy for me to say - but try not to worry about it. But - if things do get worse or your experiencing any pain etc - then obviously seek medical advice.🙂Bev
I have had a few worries about this sort of thing over the last week.

The best thing I advise is dont worry as its makes it 100x worse in that you start thinking thinks which really you shouldnt be.

I went so far as going to a and e with it convinced it was something very serious. They said that it was acid reflux and gave me some tablets - its very common and a very minor thing really - its just if you dont know what it is, it can really freak you out.

Dont worry about it - but maybe have a word with you Dr to get some of the tablets
Both me and hubby get the racing/pounding heartbeat when we eat (a lot LOL), it's not a diabetes thing, just a form of indigestion I think.

The more you think about it, the more anxious you get, the more your heart rate will go up. So try not to panic, it's normal :D
sometimes when i eat late and i go to bed - my heart pounds so loud and fast. My blood sugar is normal at the time. It keeps me awake at times. It also happens if I drink alcohol. Does this happen anyone else?

ive woken up in the night before after an evening of heavy drinking with a pounding heart! very scary and uncomfortable :(
Sounds like one of those things that happens mainly at night when you notice these things more. If you are worried there is no harm in seeking medical advice and it will reassure you.
Coiuld it be stress-related? A visit to the GP will hopefully eliminate a few possibilities and might even provide some help?
I had a really bad pounding heart episode once, which i went to the doctor about and they did a heart test on me (name of which has gone out my head - they wired me up to this machine... what is it called?? Its something like a ECM or something!?!?)
They were being overly cautious cos of the diabetes (as usual, surprise surprise) and i was fine. But it was really nice to get my mind put at ease, so if it's worrying you go see your doc.

However - I still sometimes get it at night or when i'm anxious. The doctor said caffiene can be a big cause!
I had a really bad pounding heart episode once, which i went to the doctor about and they did a heart test on me (name of which has gone out my head - they wired me up to this machine... what is it called?? Its something like a ECM or something!?!?)
They were being overly cautious cos of the diabetes (as usual, surprise surprise) and i was fine. But it was really nice to get my mind put at ease, so if it's worrying you go see your doc.

However - I still sometimes get it at night or when i'm anxious. The doctor said caffiene can be a big cause!

I think it's an ECG 🙂
I started to have episodes like that when i had DKA but i've had quite a few heart scans and they've all come back fine. Are you taking any medications for anti sickness? I was on antiametics (can't spell sorry) at the time it first started happening to me. I have had it once or twice when drinking but its only when I've had a drink that has caused by blood sugars to rocket up really high that it has happened, they often crash back down later aswell so i always thought that it was just the effect of the alcohol.
i have diabetes nearly 3 years now. Ive just eaten some fatty taco chips and now my heart is at it again. Yeah maybe im just trying to digest the food, it usually happens if i eat 'bad' stuff. And alcohol. Its pretty annoying at times.
i have diabetes nearly 3 years now. Ive just eaten some fatty taco chips and now my heart is at it again. Yeah maybe im just trying to digest the food, it usually happens if i eat 'bad' stuff. And alcohol. Its pretty annoying at times.

it could be as has been said on here digestion, but seen as it happens after bad stuff you have eaten i would say it something to do with the types of fat in the food you are eating. i had this problem for a while and found it cleared up after abstaining from alcohol and fats for a few months. i can now have my treats of fried foods and some alcohol when i like and not suffer
I used to get episodes like this before I was diagnosed, usually at night. and put it down to stress. I haven't had one though since I've been on the pills. I hope I never do again, they're scary.
nooooooooooooo - why did i get that stuff. I knew this would happen. Blood is 14.5. Darn it :(
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