Potentially having LADA

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All

I was diagnosed with having type 2 diabetes probably 7-10 years ago (I am now 31). It was never fully controlled and I did struggle with it for years.

I had a baby last year and during my pregnancy I was injecting insulin due to my blood sugar being so high. Obviously this stopped once she was born. My hba1c level was stupidly high and I was put onto the max dose of gliclizide. This did nothing to my sugar levels and I have now been started back onto insulin.

I have ended up having a gad antibody test and the results came back today after 7 weeks. Normal range is under 10 and my level is 1837 which apparently means I do not have type 2 diabetes. The nurse believes it is LADA but I need to see a consultant for this to be properly diagnosed.

I have now been given a freestyle libre2 to help with monitoring my blood sugar. My hba1c from a week ago is still high at 115.

I am just wondering if anyone has any experiences with having LADA or anything similar. Also any experiences in using the libre.
Yup, i got t1/lada, though i think of it as t1. I started with libre 2, which is ok but tends to be a drama queen and overestimates highs and lows - do do a blood test before making treatment decisions. Also its best to insert a libre 1 to 2 days before you start it to allow it to settle in. Oh, and setting alarms at 5 gives you a chance to catch a falling blood sugar before it goes below 4. I take it you have hypo tratment eg jelly babies for low blood sugars?

What insulins are you on? How are you getting on with libre
Hi @Confetti Your story is so familiar. I know a number of women who were assumed to have Type 2 or Gestational Diabetes and actually had Type 1. It’s far more common than you’d think.

Type 1 can come on more slowly in adults. Some HCPs seem to call anyone over 21 who has Type 1 a LADA, but in fact Type 1 is more common in adults than children. So, my advice is to just think of it as Type 1 if, as seems likely, your diagnosis is changed.

It’s good you’ve got the Libre. Lots of people here use it. What insulins are you on?
Thanks for the replies. So is LADA type 1? I thought it was in between 1 and 2?

Currently taking 20 Lantus in the evening and 6 Novarapid before meals. Small doses as only just started and they arnt affecting my sugar levels too much. I get high teens and even twenty's sometimes when I test before meals and bed.

I have just put the libre on and it is currently setting up. Just hope I put it on correctly! Fingers crossed! I assume since it lasts 2 weeks that it can get wet in the shower etc? Also I couldn't find how to take it off in the instructions. Do you know how to do that? Just pull it off?
Yes, that’s the confusion - and why my consultant doesn’t like the term. Some people use LADA to mean Type 1 that comes on in late adulthood, others use it to mean a diabetes type between Type 1 and Type 2.

You’re not on massive insulin doses so you don’t sound insulin resistant. If you’re not insulin resistant, you’re probably just Type1.

Yes, the Libre is fine in the shower but be really careful not to accidentally scrub it with soap or forget and rub your arm with the towel. To remove it, you just peel it off. You can use baby oil to help but after the first time I didn’t bother.
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