Potential heart attack

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Good morning all

I've not posted for a while. I was going to write a really positive post about how my health has improved significantly over the past week and then...

I've had significant illness since mid November (breathing issues & problems with my chest). I'm 2/3 of the way through a phased return at work, which has gone well and 2 weeks ago was fitted with an Omnipod Dash, which has revolutionised my BG control. Yesterday I received a sealed letter from the headteacher marked private and confidential stating that several concerns had been raised by two members of my team and a senior leader, regarding the impact of my absence from work upon them and students at school. The hideous word 'competency' is listed as well as two statements written by two people who work for me who are seen by many as 'foxes' within the school community - i.e. they have their own agenda and try to undermine lots of decisions that are made. Anyway, on my way home after reading the pack, I was extremely stressed and had significant pain in my chest (7/10 on the scale) and struggling to breathe. Thankfully I was a couple of streets from home and was able to head into the house, have a glass of water and sit calmly. The pain subsided, but I called 111 (my consultant in December suggested any pain in my chest would need a 999 call, but I thought I was OK). 111 sent an ambulance. They said I was grey and pale, skin was clammy, my blood pressure was just shy of 180 and my BG had spiked (from 5.2 when I got in my car at 3:40pm to 18.9 at 4pm when I arrived home from work). CT scan, several ECGs and lots of blood tests at hospital. They can't be certain if it was a heart attack, but have sent me home, will arrange a consultation with a cardiologist and told me to 'rest'.

I have passed everything over to my union for them to investigate and advise upon. Consultant asked "Why do you work for these people? You've headed back in and are keen to work, have a full timetable after just 4 weeks, and they dump that on you?"

Anyway, not sure if there is any advice anyone has (about health!) or whether I am just posting this on here so someone is able to listen. My wife has put my neighbours on alert today and I have broken down in tears on both of them this morning when they popped around.
Clearly being off work due to illness is unavoidable. Have you spoken to the head teacher regarding the letter, or maybe the union has advised against this.
All you can do relax as best you can and wait and see what the union advises.

Sadly people do not consider just how badly a fellow employees can be affected by crud like this. I worked for a very bad employer who took me to the brink before I quit (I discovered the government unemployment services had them blacklisted for work placements of jobseekers, so yup ... they were bad!).
I’d raise it as bullying @Ivostas66 and tell the Head you’ve passed the information to your union and will be taking legal advice. Précis the information about your health with rough dates, and about your phased return, then say how the ‘concerns’ raised have affected your health so seriously that an ambulance was called. Explain that you place the blame squarely on these two people and the school.

I hope this was just a blip from stress and that your health improves.
Thank you all!

My doctor has signed me off until the Easter break - he does not want me near work or worrying about it. My wife is keeping them updated. One member of my team has messaged me and is very worried about my health. I have heard nothing from anyone else, even though my wife had a message from the Head telling me they hope I am able to rest and that they have notified my colleagues. Conversely, I have had several messages of support from my wife's school - the headteacher, deputies and other people whom I have never even met!!

My union have requested copies of everything and I have been given a caseworker (lawyer) who is investigating and advising.
Thank you all!

My doctor has signed me off until the Easter break - he does not want me near work or worrying about it. My wife is keeping them updated. One member of my team has messaged me and is very worried about my health. I have heard nothing from anyone else, even though my wife had a message from the Head telling me they hope I am able to rest and that they have notified my colleagues. Conversely, I have had several messages of support from my wife's school - the headteacher, deputies and other people whom I have never even met!!

My union have requested copies of everything and I have been given a caseworker (lawyer) who is investigating and advising.
This sounds a bit like you’re disappointed you haven’t heard from your colleagues whilst off sick? My work would not be allowed to contact me whilst I’m off sick other than the basics like my manager checking in on when I’m expecting to return.
This sounds a bit like you’re disappointed you haven’t heard from your colleagues whilst off sick? My work would not be allowed to contact me whilst I’m off sick other than the basics like my manager checking in on when I’m expecting to return.
What on earth is your line of work that employees should be discouraged from caring about each other?
What on earth is your line of work that employees should be discouraged from caring about each other?
Legally colleagues can’t contact you if you’re off sick unless they are friends and contact you via personal methods.
Yes it sounds absurd but it’s to stop well meaning managers chasing up staff when they’re off sick and compounding any illness.

Of course you can reach out to friends who are also colleagues and chat etc.
Legally colleagues can’t contact you if you’re off sick unless they are friends and contact you via personal methods.
Yes it sounds absurd but it’s to stop well meaning managers chasing up staff when they’re off sick and compounding any illness.

Of course you can reach out to friends who are also colleagues and chat etc.
So when I had my 2 weeks off when first diagnosed it would have been illegal for one of my colleagues to call round with a bunch of flowers and a signed get well card? Well, all I can say is, I’m glad I’m retired!

The world of work now seems full of people stabbing others in the back while obsessively watching their own. Whatever happened to compassion and common sense?
So when I had my 2 weeks off when first diagnosed it would have been illegal for one of my colleagues to call round with a bunch of flowers and a signed get well card? Well, all I can say is, I’m glad I’m retired!

The world of work now seems full of people stabbing others in the back while obsessively watching their own. Whatever happened to compassion and common sense?
I think the post you are replying to says exactly the opposite of what you are reading into it.
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