post hypo exercise?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,
Can you tell me how long after a hypo you would do exercise of any description? I am going through the school care plan and need to tell school how soon after a hypo Alex can do P.E.? My initial thoughts are wait for half an hour - but that is a pure guess! Also would i give him 'extra' for the hypo if he is about to do P.E.? :confused:I have asked Alex - but he says he feels ok after about 10 minutes - i think thats too soon?🙂 Bev
to be honest bev it depends on the severity of the hypo. as a rule of thumb i tend to wait an hour then re test to see where i am at. if numbers are good i do light exercise but nothing to heavy as it is likely to cause you to go low again 🙂
I think that it has to be a personal decision and also depends upon the hypo. If I am at the gym or doing other exercise and my sugar goes low I will have some lucozade - as soon as my sugar has gone up to 6 I will start again (but have some lucozade at regular intervals whilst exercising to prevent it going low again).

I don't ever recall at school a hypo leading to me missing out on PE or similar exercise - and at one school we were doing exercise 5 days a week so exercise was a frequent event. However there are times when the hypo symptoms are so horrible that you don't feel ok for ages.

Another approach that I use is to test my sugar 30-60 minutes before I'm due to exercise. If it is around 5 or 6 (or lower) then I will have something to increase it to 9 or 10 to a) stop it going low before I start the exercise b) to cover the energy used in the exercise. Then, depending upon what I'm doing, I may have extra Luczade during the exercise.
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