• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

post diagnosis


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
This question is aimed more at parents or for those of you adults who were diagnosed as a child.

Before Alex was diagnosed he was very independent, and he told me he loved me about twice a day.:D

Since diagnosis, he has become less independent , and although i like it when he tells me he loves me:D - he now does it every half hour or so! Do you think this is a sign of his feeling 'scared' or 'insecure' ? Bev

I would say so. He is probably very scared and doesn't quite know what's going on. You and I are not diabetic so in essence cannot understand how he is feeling. We understand how each other feel and how other parents do and although we feel awful and scared, it is very different for someone with diabetes especially a child. He is quite newly diagnosed. He would benefit from meeting people. I think you said you were from Wiltshire, I do know children in Wiltshire with diabetes but it's a big place and I would need to find out if near.

Did you get the email I sent you?

My daughter isn't clingy as she has only ever known this and has always known she is 'different' from her friends. I say 'different' here because for example she has a condition that her friends don't have, I don't think of her as different in any other sense and neither does she. She does however alway needs to know she is safe, whether that be with me and she needs to have me in her sight or with her carers at school.

Alex will be ok, he needs to know you are ok and there for him and maybe meet others children like him.

Take care
Hi Adrienne,
Thanks, yes i did get your email, sorry i havent had time to reply. I have 'joined' the site you mentioned - but just looking at the moment - is seems hard to 'get into an on-going coversation' if you know what i mean!

I live in Swindon, so if you know anyone (preferably with a boy!) who would like to chat or email - then yes i would be very interested! We are going to the DUK family support weekend in May. And Alex is going for a week away with them too! Bev:)
This question is aimed more at parents or for those of you adults who were diagnosed as a child.

Before Alex was diagnosed he was very independent, and he told me he loved me about twice a day.:D

Since diagnosis, he has become less independent , and although i like it when he tells me he loves me:D - he now does it every half hour or so! Do you think this is a sign of his feeling 'scared' or 'insecure' ? Bev

We adopted a little boy who will be 5 in Spetember. He is not diabetic, but has a had a lot of upheaval in his life. To this end because he doesn't have the words to say how he feels needs a lot of re-assuarance.

Being diagnosed as diabetic is pretty major and although Alex is still with his family I would guess he is feeling a bit vulnerable and needs more reassurance than he did before. Tell Alex from me I think he is very brave and I know he has a loving mum and dad.
Hi Adrienne,
Thanks, yes i did get your email, sorry i havent had time to reply. I have 'joined' the site you mentioned - but just looking at the moment - is seems hard to 'get into an on-going coversation' if you know what i mean!

I live in Swindon, so if you know anyone (preferably with a boy!) who would like to chat or email - then yes i would be very interested! We are going to the DUK family support weekend in May. And Alex is going for a week away with them too! Bev:)

Hi Bev

No worries, I know what its like. If you have joined the email group, then you will have seen an email pop on up from me about Alex. How old is he by the way (sorry I have forgotten). You will see any replies. Also that's you 'in' you can reply to me and introduce yourself, you'll find it easier after that.
I have sent you a PM.
Alex is 10 - i will go and have a look now at the site! Thanks. Bev x
I have sent you a PM.
Alex is 10 - i will go and have a look now at the site! Thanks. Bev x

I replied to your message. ENjoy the site.
This question is aimed more at parents or for those of you adults who were diagnosed as a child.

Before Alex was diagnosed he was very independent, and he told me he loved me about twice a day.:D

Since diagnosis, he has become less independent , and although i like it when he tells me he loves me:D - he now does it every half hour or so! Do you think this is a sign of his feeling 'scared' or 'insecure' ? Bev

quite possibly, it's quite a lifestyle change, think he's doing fantastically though. Could it also be that, knowing that you are naturally worried about him, he is in his own way reassuring you that he's ok? I'm not a parent but I do have a couple of little brothers about alex's age and I know when they are ill or having a tough time they make a point of giving us all lots of cuddles as they don't want us to be worried about anything!
Thanks for all the replies, it really does help.

I had never thought of it like that -i think he is suffering himself - but he probably is trying to reassure me isnt he? :)Bev