Post clinic/blood test treat


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had a good cheerful insulin pump clinic today, blood test results good & the results that I know aren't great due to complications are stable- phew. Sorted a few issues out & left feeling pleased & relieved.

I always go for a post clinic treat, today I went to a cafe in town for 2 big slices of white toast & a latte. It always tastes so much nicer when I know I’m doing ok & although I go to cafes other times my post clinic treat always tastes that extra bit better.

Do you have a post clinic/ blood test result treat? I’m not on my own in celebrating my glucose juggling achievements am I? 😉
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I had a good cheerful insulin pump clinic today, blood test results good & the results that I know aren't great due to complications are stable- phew. Sorted a few issues out & left feeling pleased & relieved.

I always go for a post clinic treat, today I went to a cafe in town for 2 big slices of white toast & a latte. It always tastes so much nicer when I know I’m doing ok & although I go to cafes other times my post clinic treat always tastes that extra bit better.

Do you have a post clinic/ blood test treat? I’m not on my own in celebrating my glucose juggling achievements am I? 😉
Before I have a health appointment I try desperately to keep all my vital signs looking good :rofl:. So, it's a relief afterwards to not worry if (for example) I have less time in my blood glucose 'green' zone than I've been aiming for before the appointment.
Great to hear that you had an uplifting appointment and things are stable even if not as good as you would like with your other conditions.
I have to say, your idea of a treat is certainly not mine! If I was going to have toast it would be wholemeal with butter and Marmite, but I can think of many better things than toast as a treat. As it is, my appointments are mostly telephone these days which I take at home so no opportunity to stop in a cafe to get a treat and I don't feel like celebrating after the blood test until I know the result, so I am afraid, I don't generally celebrate results or appointments.
I definitely have post clinic or blood test treat @Flower. There is a cafe just round the corner from GO where they do a fabulous bacon bap, with bacon really crispy as I like it. This along with with a mug of strong black coffee is a perfect treat for me, and as you say tasting even better when it has been a pleasant appointment.
I also love the moments when I am completely disconnected from sensor and pump. I do this on change over day, and have a good soak in the bath whilst my transmitter is charging up before reconnecting everything. Not sure it will be the same with the new sensors where the transmitter is integral with the sensor, so no excuse, however that doesn’t mean I won’t still do the same.
Oops I meant to put blood test result not just blood test! I agree @Robin I want to know the results first.

A pump & sensor free bath/shower is such a treat @SB2015 no cannulas to avoid, it’s a pity changing both together doesn’t coincide that often .
I definitely have post clinic or blood test treat @Flower. There is a cafe just round the corner from GO where they do a fabulous bacon bap, with bacon really crispy as I like it. This along with with a mug of strong black coffee is a perfect treat for me, and as you say tasting even better when it has been a pleasant appointment.
I'd be very happy with both the bap and the coffee 🙂 .
Oops I meant to put blood test result not just blood test! I agree @Robin I want to know the results first.

A pump & sensor free bath/shower is such a treat @SB2015 no cannulas to avoid, it’s a pity changing both together doesn’t coincide that often .
But sooooooo lovely when it does.