Possible diabetes related heart problems

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After going to A&E a few weeks ago with the worst pain that I ever had that was in my arm I was eventually sent home after lots of pain relief with amedical certificate stating "frozen shoulder" and a recommendation that I asked my GP to refer me to a orthopaedic consultant. I went along to the appointment yesterday feeling relatively positive after an appointment with the physio the day before who had also said that it was frozen shoulder. I therefore went to see the consultant yesterday feeling relatively positive that he would either say that there was no need for me to see him or that he might suggest manipulation - which I could defer until seeing how the physio worked

The consultant was absolutely great - did confirm from both an x-ray and examination that there was a shoulder impingement and that he would arrange an MRI - which was a big surprise to me

but what shocked me was that in relation to the acute pain he mentioned my heart several times and is referring me to a cardiologist to check it - he was very reassuing and said that it was to rule out heart problems out but similarly he did seem to think that there was a connection between this particular pain and my heart and had asked whether I'd had a heart trace at A&E which I hadn't (although I have had resting ECGs done in the past which were fine).

Part of the reason for his concern also appeared to be related to the length of time that I have diabetes (38 years) - although I have rarely had problems with blood pressure (I just went on treatment for three months and was allowed off of it) and my choleseterol has never been above 4.8 and when it reached that level I was put onto statins and the most recent cholesterol results have been in the 3.6/3.7 range. I'm also very good at making sure that these are tested on a regular basis. I am overweigth but exercise fairly regularly and has the BP and cholesterol have been ok haven't worried too much although for the past 2.5 years I have not been as well as I had been before which led to moving from full-time to reducing my hours a bit at work (now average 30 hour week).

Obviously he could be that my heart is fine and I'm trying not to worry - but it has got me very concerned
Has anybody else had a similar experience or know what I should expect or be aware of please?
If your diabetes is well controlled, your diet is good and there is no family history I don't think there is amything to worry about.

Go for all the check ups just to confirm things are OK, it will re assure you. Pains in the arm could be almost anything, including frozen shoulder. You are seeing the experts so go with the flow, and you'll be fine.

My cardiologist appointment arrived yesterday! Like you I get pains across my chest and in my arms. I do have neuropathy, both peripheral and autonomic in my bladder.

For the past three years I've had this chest pain from time to time, not after excercise, can be just resting, sometimes I can't move, most times its the only time I ever feel any temperature and always freezing cold.

I had an angiogram a couple of years ago which showed everything was fine, in fact very good 😱

However, the pain has continued, becoming a little more frequent, so I asked for a second opinion, I had my heart scans a few weeks ago and must admit I expected the letter from my GP saying 'we saw nothing, carry on!' However, the cardiology unit have written to me, but the appointment isn't for a month, so I am working on the basis it can't be that important because it wasn't for next week!

As for my A&E experience, I was told by my GP not to see her, but to get straight to A&E as a diabetic with any chest pain - this I have done on three occassions - ok, with some bullying from the other half as well! Each time as soon as I've walked in, I've been dragged through and had patches of my chest shaven so they can plug me in and do an ECG, there is a little something on one trace, but its not to be worried about.

When I've seen the doc after and said I feel bad for wasting their time I always get told they'd rather see me and find nothing than an undertaker get to me first!

Hope its just a little nerve pain or nothing at all. Good luck.

Oh, I am still baffled how they can do an ECG on a lawyer, I thought my heart was removed when they called me to the Bar :D
Thanks very much for this.

David I really hope that that the result of your heart scan turns out ok. I'm amazed that you need to wait a month to find out the result - I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that the results will be good and there is nothing to worry about.

I have to say that until I was reading more widely this weekend I was rather surprised to find out on a Diabetes UK page that cardiovascular disease is the most common complication of diabetes. When I was growing up there were warnings about problems with kidneys, eyes and possible amputations but I have only become aware of the risks associated with cardiovascular disease relatively recently.

I think that I was also taken by surprise (shock) because the person that I saw was an upper limb specialist so familiar with the different types of pain associated with shoulders/arms etc - and yet was concerned that the acute under arm pain that I had on the night that I went to A&E could (possibly) be heart related. I had to say that it was the most excrutiating pain that I had ever felt and if it had been in my left arm I would have been more concerned - but because it was in my right arm didn't think there was even any possiblity that it could be heart related (or at least should be checked for this) - shows how little I know!

I think this, together with the advice the Einstein has received from his GP, highlights the importance of us asking for help if we get pain that could in anyway be cardio related - if we're checked and it's fine GOOD but if we don't get it checked and it is heart related then the consequences could be very bad

Guess I'm also more worried because for the past two months or so I've get mentioning to my partner on a very regular basis that I've been getting on and off a weird sensation in my chest, only lasts for a second or two, so guess it is some kind of palpitation - but I had omitted to mention this to a doctor because I didn't think it was important.......................................
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