Possibility of pharmacists getting power to change what GPs write on prescriptions

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Not so sure about this. Pharmacists have a habit of changing some items to a generic brand as they are cheaper and I have read that this sometimes causes problems for the patient. This happened to me once and I couldn't understand why the medication wasn't working. Showed the tablets to my G.P. and he was quite cross about it. He wrote out another prescription and added, NO SUBSTITUTION.
Not so sure about this. Pharmacists have a habit of changing some items to a generic brand as they are cheaper and I have read that this sometimes causes problems for the patient. This happened to me once and I couldn't understand why the medication wasn't working. Showed the tablets to my G.P. and he was quite cross about it. He wrote out another prescription and added, NO SUBSTITUTION.

I think at the moment they are not allowed to do this. I was waiting for a prescription and the pharmacy staff were telling someone that they had to order the branded item and couldn't dispense the generic.

I certainly found when I took antidepressants that I often had to change my ratios if I was dispensed a different generic brand. I mentioned it to my GP once as it was annoying - he said it shouldn't have made a difference - well it did as when I went back to the other generic I had to change back. He also said they couldn't do anything as it was up to the pharmacy what generic they stocked.
well I would be against this move, big time.

recently, I handed in a prescription for my Dad, a dosage fluid retention tablets, what did I get from the pharmacist - anxiety meds for bipolor disoder.

no - against this move
My pharmacist is great, really 'with it' - he happened to take my scrip out of the pile and started reading it as he walked back to his station then turned right on his heel, came to the counter and asked me if something was right or not. I've also seen him query something with a patient, conclude it isn't right or needs explanation and go and wait outside that doctor's door until the latest patient comes out, to go and question him (same building)

But notwithstanding that I always take the sealed bag, open it there and then and make sure it's all present and correct - every single time!
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