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Rachie B

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Everyone! I am living in a whirlwind of a diabetic life takeover since April and I struggle with good days and bad days. Days when I have health anxiety, days when I cry, you name it, I have that day! So.. Rather than focusing on all the negatives of this condition I'm trying to learn to live with, I would really like to ask you all, how has Diabetes changed you for the better? What positives has it brought you? What amazing things are you/have you done as a result? Thank you in advance you strong and inspirational folk
Hi @Rachie B , it is hard and most of us have struggled at diagnosis but there's lots of positives...I've lost 4.5 stone (more to go, finding it difficult), do loads more exercise and can choose clothes I like now. It's really made me sit up and take control. I'm lucky in that my hba1c went down quickly into pre-d levels but it's been a wake up call. Good luck to you 🙂
I still remember my diagnosis over 15 years ago. It was traumatic. The best advice I received at the time was that diabetes should not stop be doing what I want
And it has not stopped me doing anything. I have travelled loads, done all sorts of activities from climbing to sailing to flying trapeze to sky diving to canoeing to trekking in the Himalayas to tracking gorillas in Uganda. I eat the same incredibly varied diet as I did before my diagnosis - with Type 1, insulin is the tool that allows us to eat what we want.
On top of that, I have found some great friends, engaged more with forums, blogged for Diabetes UK, got new technology to “play with” and received regular Health checks that I would never recieve without diabetes which show I have no complications and I am fitter than friends and colleagues my age without diabetes.
Hi Everyone! I am living in a whirlwind of a diabetic life takeover since April and I struggle with good days and bad days. Days when I have health anxiety, days when I cry, you name it, I have that day! So.. Rather than focusing on all the negatives of this condition I'm trying to learn to live with, I would really like to ask you all, how has Diabetes changed you for the better? What positives has it brought you? What amazing things are you/have you done as a result? Thank you in advance you strong and inspirational folk
I was diagnosed aged 51, similar to you. I don’t think I’ve done anything amazing, but I haven't not done anything I wanted to because of it. I’m probably fitter and healthier, because I think more about eating healthily, and the thought of needing to sort out more insulin stops my hand dipping into the biscuit tin again.
Sorry to hear you’ve been riding the emotional rollercoaster @Rachie B - living with diabetes can be like that!

Diabetes can be a swine, for sure, and seems to delight in being very annoying, but...

It is a condition where you can make a difference, and reduce your chances of nasties. it is also one which shouldn’t stop you doing pretty much anything (even flying as a commercial airline pilot)

I have done everything in life i have ever wanted - fallen in love, got married, worked, travelled, had kids, run my own business, run a half marathon, played live music, played the fool… and all of it while simultaneously acting as one of my major organs.

Diabetes has also got me invited to a bunch of events, conferences and other shindigs in various countries, and I’ve been invited to share my experiences in front of healthcare professionals and people with diabetes, as well as learning from others and about the latest developments and research.

Plus without diabetes… I wouldn‘t have met you lovely lot! 😛
Hi Everyone! I am living in a whirlwind of a diabetic life takeover since April and I struggle with good days and bad days. Days when I have health anxiety, days when I cry, you name it, I have that day! So.. Rather than focusing on all the negatives of this condition I'm trying to learn to live with, I would really like to ask you all, how has Diabetes changed you for the better? What positives has it brought you? What amazing things are you/have you done as a result? Thank you in advance you strong and inspirational folk
Hi Everyone! I am living in a whirlwind of a diabetic life takeover since April and I struggle with good days and bad days. Days when I have health anxiety, days when I cry, you name it, I have that day! So.. Rather than focusing on all the negatives of this condition I'm trying to learn to live with, I would really like to ask you all, how has Diabetes changed you for the better? What positives has it brought you? What amazing things are you/have you done as a result? Thank you in advance you strong and inspirational folk
Hi, I too was diagnosed type 1 in April of this year which come as a real surprise. I now look on diabetes as an exciting challenge which won’t rule my life. I’m winning and it feels good, there are days where it try’s to upstage you and get a foothold but just look how far you’ll have come and what you’ve learned about yourself. You soon see that just about anything is still possible.
Sorry you’re struggling a bit @Rachie B I don’t think there are any positives about Type 1. It’s a pain and a worry. All you can do is take one day at a time, do the best you can, and don’t let it rule your life.

I’d also add don’t develop Stockholm Syndrome. Pace yourself. I’m sorry but I disagree that diabetes is an exciting challenge. Maybe it is for the first few months but after a few years it becomes a total chore. So I don’t agree with trying to fool yourself that it’s fun or exciting or made you healthier or whatever. See it for what it is but don’t let it be the sole focus of your life. It’s a balance between giving it an appropriate amount of attention to control it, yet not let it take over your head.
Hi there. It’s a massive shock that comes over in waves for a while. Some days you think I’ve totally got this, others are not so great, worry and anxiety can easily overwhelm you. That’s why this forum is so good. When nobody else understands, we do! I too struggle to see how my life is any better now that a year ago (today) at diagnoses. That’s not saying life can’t be enjoyable, it’s just different and much more complicated but doable. one positive … you look flipping fabulous in your profile pic, that’s got to be worth something 🙂 Keep your chin up and most of all keep chatting. Someone is always here for you xx
@Rachie B something I forgot to mention when focusing on positives is that diabetes is not all of you - it is a very small part of you that exists whilst you are and do everything else.
So when focusing on the positives, look beyond diabetes. Look at all the positives in your life. Such as your fab pic that @EmmaL76 mentioned.
Don't let diabetes take over your life - it shouldn't have to.
I’m five years into my diabetes, Rachie B. I was never very heavy and wasn’t really suffering any diabetic symptoms but it was picked up while being tested for a minor high blood pressure condition. Within three months I shifted one and a half stones and have maintained a constant weight ever since then. I really enjoy cooking and I actually find exploring food which suits my condition an enjoyable challenge. I play golf at least four or five days a week and, to be honest, have never felt healthier. I still enjoy my regular tipples and the occasional food indulgence. I assume I am a fair bit older than you and can understand that being hit by diabetes as a younger person will come as a shock but it’s far from the end of the world. Stay positive and in control.
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