Popping in quick to ask a question that needs answering quick!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Popping briefly out of hiatus for the following.

I have had a major lapse in concentration and genuinely can't remember if I've taken my dinner time gabapentin tablet. And now I don't know what to do :confused: do I a) take one as if I haven't taken one and then have my pre bed one and thus risk taking 1 more tablet or b) not take another one, and take my usual pre bed one - which will mean having one less tablet and thus probably sore feet......

I have a conundrum. I am on a small dose apparently - 3 tablets of 300mg a day so I'm not sure if one extra will hurt? But will it? Do I want to risk it? Feet have been letting me know all day that they can still twinge a bit.

Urgh, what do I doooooo?

COnsultant said at last appointment that 3 tablets was a very small amount, and that I could take up for 5 a day if I wanted to. But still :confused:

Right, back on hiatus :D
Split the difference and take half of one? According to Wiki people have taken up to 1200 mgs per day for between 40 to 60 days, but they were trying to mitigate other addictions. Not much help I know, sorry.
I've been in the same situation with my BP pills and heve tended to err on the side of caution i.e. not take another pill, even though I am below the max dose. I suppose it depends on how bad the pain might be though - BP symptoms are not discernible but neuropathy is :( I would have thought that you would be OK taking the extra tablet since you are not OD'ing on the upper limit of the medication.

(we miss you Sam!)
Split the difference and take half of one? According to Wiki people have taken up to 1200 mgs per day for between 40 to 60 days, but they were trying to mitigate other addictions. Not much help I know, sorry.

I wish I could have half but its capsules :(

I've been in the same situation with my BP pills and heve tended to err on the side of caution i.e. not take another pill, even though I am below the max dose. I suppose it depends on how bad the pain might be though - BP symptoms are not discernible but neuropathy is I would have thought that you would be OK taking the extra tablet since you are not OD'ing on the upper limit of the medication.

(we miss you Sam!)

Atm, there's not really any pain. Which can only be a good thing right? Pain has been pretty nonexistant for a while thankfully. I suppose as it is almost bed time I'll hold off til then :D

Oh I'm still here, lurking about like a ninja, keeping an eye on you all :D I reckon a couple more days and I'll be back properly 🙂
Sooner the better, it's not the same without you.
hey Sam, hope you're doing alright at the very least, I'm not one for popping pills but reading your situ I would consider popping one.

Over & Out

Rossi 🙂
There should be a patient information leaflet inside the box of capsules, it will tell you what you should do in the event that you forget to take a dose (or think you may have forgotten). If you have taken it and take another, although within the max recommended dose any side effects (e.g. sedative effect) could be maginified by taking 2 doses close together 🙂.
Read the patient information leaflet and see what that says or phone NHS Direct.

If there was no pain, I'd err on the side of caution and wait for the bed tome pill if it is a long time after the time you should have taken one.
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