Poor service from Abbott today (always been fine before)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 3c
Hi all

Sorry in advance if this develops into a bit of a rant!

I put on a new Libre 2 sensor on Friday night (having applied it about 24 hours earlier, which usually means it is fairly accurate from the start).
It was a bleeder. Those have often been very accurate for me in the past so I was hopeful!
Unfortunately this one read over 2 high from the start and continued to do so, even at low readings, where it is usually more accurate. After I had given it over 24 hours I gave up and applied a new sensor.

Abbott was now closed and the first time I had free to phone was today.

I was asked if I used my phone to scan. I said that I used reader and phone. We used the phone to find the required information. I had my 3 comparison readings ready but was only asked for one.
I was then told that the sensor was not inaccurate. Turns out that he had misheard blood glucose reading of 4.8 as 8 (reading on Libre 6.9).
After that was resolved I was then told that the issue was not the sensor but that I needed to update the app, that that would solve the issue and I could call back if it didn't.
I pointed out that the previous sensor had been very accurate so the issue wasn't the software update.

He tried to end the call. I asked to speak to a supervisor/manager but he said that wasn't possible.

It was only after I got upset that he started listening to the fact that the previous sensors (with the occasional exception that had been reported to Abbott) had been accurate. Also that I was getting identical values on the reader.

A replacement sensor has now been sent.

I've still been asked to update the app, though. A couple of questions for those who have done this recently. Do you lose your data on Librelink? Having recently started using a pump I'm using the data to help with settings and don't really want to have to keep logging in to Libreview to check.
Also, if I had updated the app when asked to, would I have been able to continue scanning a sensor that had been started with the previous version?

I'm hoping that he was a new member of staff and that some more training will be given but I was shocked at this call.

Rant over.
'Updating' the app will not lose any data, LL on the phone, or LV in the cloud. If they tell you to delete the app and install the latest version you will lose the data on the phone but not LV.

I can not see any reason why you would need to delete the app though. Inaccurate readings are a calculation error in the sensor (or possible the app) as far as I can see.

Same with all call centres, depends on who picks up phone.

Rang on Tuesday to report sensor that suddenly stopped working, call went fine but lady kept asking if I needed medical assistance when sensor failed, 3 times in total which was bit odd.

Much like yourself she asked for software version, must be using latest as nowt more was said.
I always used to report any failed sensors online. Much easier. Don’t be too hard on the call centre person. I worked in one once and it was a horrible job.
I always used to report any failed sensors online. Much easier. Don’t be too hard the call centre person. I worked in one once and it was a horrible job.

Never tried that, suppose it would be much easier to do it that way.
Do you lose your data on Librelink?
Also, if I had updated the app when asked to, would I have been able to continue scanning a sensor that had been started with the previous version?
Yes. I think you can even change phones and, so long as you add the credentials for LibreView, keep scanning the same sensor. (Suggesting they use LibreView to store something or other for that.)
Never tried that, suppose it would be much easier to do it that way.
It's still pretty annoying. At least when I've done it they've emailed, asking me for exactly the same information all over again. (So make sure to keep a record of it all for convenience.)
Blimey! Sounds like they’re toughening things up @Bruce Stephens ! I just used to report online and then got a confirmation email, and later an email telling me a new sensor was on its way. TBF, I rarely bothered to report sensors that were reading a bit high or low only if they were way off or had an error message.
Thanks for all the replies.
I've always been asked for the software version when I've phoned but it's never been an issue before (haven't had to phone for a while, though).

I've always been very happy with people I've spoken to at Abbott before.

What really concerned me was that what I was being told to do obviously wouldn't solve the problem (as the reader was giving me the same readings) and the refusal to let me speak to anyone else about the issue.
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