Podiatrist appointment today

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
On friday i went to the Doctors / DB Nurse for a check up - i told her that my right leg had been playing up and she said she'd refer me to the podiatrist. Today i get a phone call asking if i can come in at 2pm for an emergency appointment. Okay i say and hobble down there for 2pm, the lady who checked my feet over said i **may** have this thing -it sounded like "Stockholm syndrome" - which of course is wrong as that is something completely different. But she said it was something to do with blood flow taking nutrients away from my bones in my feet and resulting in micro fractures. she wasnt sure if i did have this or not but wants me to go to hospital, i also shouldnt walk, and if i do walk i should use a stick (not that i have one).

she phoned me up a few mins ago asking if i can go back in tomorrow so her colleague can have a look.

anyone heard of this thing??
I wonder if she said 'Charcot Syndrome'? Try not to worry until you have had the second opinion.
yeah it may have been that :D
Going to hospital tomorrow for an x-ray and to be fitted with an air-cast!
I have only come across one case of Charcot Syndrome but the person had no pain despite a fairly serious fracture so I suspect this is not it. Have they tested the circulation in your leg(s). If not ask for a Doppler test tomorrow - I am getting odd aches and pains since they diagnosed a circulation problem. Have you ever fractured that leg?
i've never broken any bones in my legs - i did one break a toe but not sure what foot it was. it could be circulation - but she seemed to think that too much blood was getting to my feet. I guess tomorrow will be the starting point in finding out :D
Hope all gets sorted Simon - and well done for getting things checked out.
I hope you get some answers. Good for you getting it seen to as quickly as you did.
thanks Lucy and Caroline :D i'm sure it'll be fine just got to get this sorted then get my blood sugar on the right track! :D
i'm back with a huge cast thing on my leg - i look like robocop! :D
Somewhat relieved to hear that you havne't been taken hostage and developed Stockholm Syndrome, Simon 🙂

Hope you're coping with cast and stick / crutch (hope they gave you one or two?!?)
You will have to send us a photo - never heard of an aircast before.
What was the diagnosis in the end Simon, if you don't mind me asking.
Do you have to wear the cast for long? thank goodness you were sensible and got it sorted!!
Copepod - hahaha well i have a terrible memory and it sounded a bit like Stockholm syndrome 😉 I'm a bit miffed actually as they didnt give me a stick / crutch at all and i really think i need one - its actually quite hard to walk without one :( i'm a bit lopsided now and i needed to lean on my other half a lot getting back today.

lucy123 - i will take a photo with it on and post it, it looks like a plaster cast but made of plastic. they think its Charcot syndrome (http://ezinearticles.com/?Charcot-Foot-Is-A-Serious-Foot-Disorder&id=1163096) but not 100% sure yet. they said i may have to wear the cast up to 6 months.
Crikey Simon - thank goodness you got it checked out!
Glad you are getting sorted Simon but the extent some folk will go to to avoid a bit of exercise amazes me. 😉 Seriously though make sure you do as you are told and I hope you make a good recovery very soon.
lucy - thanks :D i'll get it sorted - just going to take some time.

Lizzie - hahaha should have done this during PE all those years ago :D
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