Poddingtons first birthday . . .

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So, my recent birthday means that me and Pod are fast approaching our first anniversary (Feb 10th) and I've been looking back at our first 12 months.

In purely clinical terms my HbA1c hasn't yet dropped dramatically into "perfect" but its has stabilised and more importantly stopped going up. It has been a lot of hard work (which i know is far from over), but compared to my birthday last year I FEEL unbelieveably . . . Normal!

Yep thats the only way to describe the change!

I dont feel sick ALL the time any more. I dont wake up, open my eyes and wait for the realisation of the low/high/rebound to slap me round the face and i dont drag myself out of bed and into work resenting the normal people because "if THEY felt like this THEY wouldnt have come in"!

He even lets me go out with my friends again and get drunk. Obviously not blind, dont-know-my-own-name drunk, because he doesnt like it when i bash his buttons in a drunken stupour, but drunk enough to have a great night and suffer in the morning with the rest of them 🙂p), because Pod gives me the ability to adjust and prepare in advance rather than correcting once the horrific highs or lows once theyve happened.

I can even be ill and not end up in hospital! Although saying that i dont think ive even been ill this year! certainly not more than an annoying cold or cough. No UTIs or crippling kidney infections.

Generally I just feel happier.

Sometimes its not till you look back at how your were that you can really see how tough it was. Even my family have noticed how much more settled I am, less mood swings and grumps and saying no to things because i didnt feel well.

Pod was the best decision ive ever made and i feel very lucky to have him. Im actually excited to see where we are in another years time, and hopefully my stable A1c will be stable in the 6's rather than 7's!
Aww happy almost bday lil Pod!!!!!! I have myself noticed a ton of change in my mere 6 weeks of pumping, so can't wait to see where I am in a year too 🙂

It's great to see how much Pod has changed you and your life, what a lil star 🙂
It's great to see how much Pod has improved your life! 🙂 I think it's very true - you sometimes don't realise how bad you were feeling until you start to feel better. It made me really happy to read your post, I hope I feel the same as you in a year's time! :D
Excellent stuff Viki - so pleased he's been doing his bit! Fill him with vodka for his big day!😉
It's certainly good to hear you're feeling better all round and allowed out now and again! Bring on the next year and the magic sixes🙂.

Is Pod green? If not get a paint job!
Of course Pods green! He even has a matching BG monitor 🙂
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