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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was looking for an old thread but couldn't find it so here goes again.

Most of us by now have had the seasonal flu and swine flu jab if we have wanted to have it.

What's the deal with the pneumonia innoculation jab? I think I read somewhere you only have it once, and somewhere else I read it lasts ten years.

When or why should one get it?

How many of you have had it?

Thanks in advance

Due to my Heart problems my Dr advised me to have it. Being free I did, along with the Swine Flu and Seasonal jabs.
hi rossi , i heard conflicting info on this jab,when i first had my flu jab I asked about it and the nurse said i did not need it as i was not over 60, then when i went and saw doc for swine flu jab he said did i have the pnemonia jab and i told him what nurse said, he looked baffled and said you need it have it today so i did had it in other arm and swine flu in other.One shot lasts most people a lifetime. For those under 65 years of age, it is recommended that boster shots be given every 5 years. Check with your doc for your specific reccommendations
Mixed opinions at mty GP too. The nurse says don't need, the doctor says do need it. I feel like I am caught in the middle, any one got a practice team that agrees on anything?
Had my pneumonia jab about four years ago. I too was led to believe that it only lasted ten years, but when I had my flu jab in November, my nurse asked had I received the pneumonia jab, when I told her I had, she said it was fine as one jab lasts a life-time.

i had mine soon after i was diagnosed, at tne same time as that year's flu jab i think. I was of tne impression that it was a one off thing but cant recall actual being told that so i may have made it up. i thought it was offered to all diabetics automatically, but i guess its one of those things that varies again...
I had a pneumonia jab when I was first diagnosed and they last for 10 years.

I would definately recommend having one; I had pneumonia back in the mists of time when I was 16 and that was bad enough but having it and being diabetic would be even worse.
I'm a real coward and since being diagnosed I think my surgery have just used it as an excuse to jab me whenever they see fit. So I haven't had any of 'em and nor do I intend to!
I had pneumonia and seasonal flu jab not long after being diagnosed (one in each arm 😱) and swine flu one a couple of months later. I think I remember the nurse saying you are entitled to 2 free pneumonia jabs in a lifetime, but I may be wrong...
I've had the lot! Well, I've paid enough tax and NI over the years 😉

I'm not sure how long it lasts, I think it's a one off and never needs repeating.
Cheers all, I think I will bring it up when I'm next over at the duck pond🙂
Actually thats tomorrow, got a foot appointment (the other word is to hard to spell after the day I've had!) what joy!🙄
I had the flu jab and phenumonia jab one after the other (one in each arm) back in oct, the flu jab normally makes me a bit rough but nothing major, however as I now understand the phenumonia jab is a lottttt stronger than the flu/swine flu and it was the first time I'd had it. They told me every ten yrs too..

Anyway I was sooooo ill after it and off work for a week...the pain in my arm where injected made me cry and I couldn't move it...when i sat up i would get very dizzy and sick, I had a very high fever, and absolutely no energy...I can't remember ever being so ill!!! Am not trying to scare anyone, I know others who were fine after it, guess I am just saying do urre research first!!!
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